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RSS Quicksilver

Reward Points:9
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

If your talking about coins then no. If your talking about notes then still no, as the paper money is made of a special, cloth-like paper not made from your bog-standard tree. Plus,even if they were, they wouldn't GROW on trees, they'd be MADE of trees wouldnt they?

1 point

Humans have always wanted to have a sense of freedom. We don't like being chained up to an idea without escape.if someone says 'don't touch that', we go to touch it again when their not looking. Subconciously we're thinking "You can't tell me what to do!" So a political philosophy that follows this is perfectly suited for our fundamental, natural psycology.

1 point

People were always born with the need for freedom. That's why if something has the sign 'DO NOT TOUCH', we automatically want to touch it. We can't be told what to do. it's not in our nature. Therefore a political philosophy that gives us that fundamental instinct that's been hardwired into out 'lizard brain' is perfect!

1 point

Well you already know who the woman is; her personality, style, sense of humor, experiances. But the fetus could grow to be anything or anyone! It hasn't had any experiances or even emotions what so ever. The fact that it hasn't had the feelings of dread on a suprise test, the glee of its long-time crush asking it out, or the guilty pleasure of having its first energy drink. Surely its worse to kill someone who hasn't had the chance to live.

1 point

Humans will never be 100% logical. It's not what makes us human! The fact that we have to dream, imagine, and use our gut instinct to make desisions is one of the many things that sets us apart from the robots we create.

1 point

The great thing with cats is that they will never do something if pressured to by someone else. A dog will run to you just because it thinks you have food, but a cat will only come to you if it knows it feels safe around you and trusts you. Therefore if a cat comes to you one should feel honored as you know this animal sees you as a friend. Felines have been honoured as gods in Egypt around 7000 years ago because of their independence and almost regal nature. Have you ever seen a dog be worshipped? I think not.

1 point

The ony harmful thing about porn is the computer viruses they can give your pc if internet porn. Other than that it's natural for all humans to express the sex drive the human race has evolved with. If someone has no partner, pornography is an effective, enjoyable way for someone to ease their needs.

0 points

You see, once a teacher scored a class with a communist approach to teach them what it meant. The modal average grade was given to all the students and they all got B's. That was great for the ones who slacked off, but made the high flyers angered. As they decided there wasn't any point, the next test they got everyone got an F.

So a communist public may seem like a good idea on paper, but if it's put in practice the ecomomy will most likely come crashing down.

1 point

I think the media has been making it look much bigger than it actually is. In my opinion it should be treated the sameas hetrosexuality, but its been made a bigger item than it has to be.

1 point

And yet most of them do the exact same thing the day after! Trust me, I'm one of them!

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