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RSS RaquelB1

Reward Points:10
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13 points

Technological progress, while sometimes helpful, overall does more harm than good. The best example is light bulbs. We have evidence from diaries, journals, and writings from before light bulbs became commercially available, people slept more. (Note that I say commercially available, not invented, because when it was invented there were no factories for them to be made in yet.) The commercial availability of the light bulb changed society. Where before people would have to work by candle light if they wanted to work on something at night and most would go home to their families at dusk, no they could keep working until late at night. Another example is the microwave. The microwave, while lessening cooking time and therefore supposedly giving families more time with each other or to do other things, really just makes it so people become used to instant gratification. Before microwaves, the cook of a household would have to make everything from scratch. It would take hours from start to finish to make just a normal weekday dinner. When microwaves were first in homes, the person who cooked started to have more time for other things, like spending time with their family, instead of having to spend hours cooking a meal. However, now microwaves are used for everything from heating water to cooking meat. After the food is done, instead of spending time with the family, eating together at the table, people will immediately go the room with the T.V. and sit down to watch. This brings me to T.V. Before the 1990s, people did not have many T.V. stations to watch, and on the stations there were few shows. Today, there are hundreds of T.V. stations, each with hundreds of shows playing. This means, where before if there was nothing good on T.V. you would do something else, like read a book, now all you need to do is start flipping through channels until you find something interesting. I could come up with many more examples, but this is long enough. In conclusion, while technology can be good, we usually end up misusing it.

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