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RSS RedCoin

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
2 points

A waitress works in a café for low pay, which involves bringing coffee over to people.

I work in a warehouse for low pay, which involves heavy lifting.

Where's my tip?

0 points

If you think about it, any teacher is someone who has dedicated their life and worked hard so that they could provide an education to young people.

A lot of teachers are strict, sure, but discipline is a necessary technique to help maximize learning.

Could he really be all that bad?

1 point

A lot of black people seem to have a chip on their shoulder.

It seems they feel that after the slave trade, and years of racism have made them slightly bitter, and they feel that it's okay to show hostility towards white people.

You also find that a lot of white people tend to be paranoid about racism.

They tip-toe around anything that may cause a minute amount of offense to black people.

For example, I was talking to my friend once and I said that if I was black, I would get a white tattoo, because it would stand out and look cool. There was a black person a few tables away in the café we were in and he told me to be quiet because there was a black person in hearing range. It's kinda funny.

1 point

I think he's actually made comments that religious people are ignorant.

Not 100% sure, but kinda sure.

1 point

People with 'gambling problems' who lose substantial amounts of money due to gambling deserve to lose it for their greed and/or lack of will power.

There shouldn't be any law in place to save them from this and to spoil it for people who enjoy gambling and know when to stop.

0 points

1. As I said, they would want to prolong the new resources, they would want to get ever last penny out out their industry before they can. I do agree that they would want to control them.

2. I don't assume that there is no solution. I just think that if there is a solution, it would take more than a decade to figure out, build upon, and put in use. The scientists wouldn't just be exploring possibilities for ten years, they'd have to put ever idea to an experiment, when they did actually find a solution they'd most probably have to build plenty of constructions that could range from factories to as you say, an orbital solar collector.

Your idea is interesting but how would a solar collector up in space send the energy back to earth?

And all this research, construction and distribution would all cost a lot of money.

3. I think it can be done, it would just take more than ten years for the whole thing to be complete and to kick the oil habit.

0 points

There's no way it could happen within ten years.

For starters, the oil companies would do everything in their power to prolong the introduction of a newer resource, otherwise their whole multi-million industry would be obsolete. Not only would the fat cats up top lose out, but the simple workers in the oil industry would become redundant, resulting in a considerable amount of unemployment. The result would also be world-wide.

Secondly, you cannot exploit a resource that simply doesn't exist. What I mean by this is that you cant solve a problem that simply has no solution. Assuming that "scientists could do it in 10 years if they all concentrated their efforts" is a little bit over hopeful. You could say that scientists could build a time machine in a decade but it wouldn't hold any truth. There very well could be a solution, I don't know. Obviously, the time machine example was an exaggeration but you just can't make answers appear from nowhere.

Even if an alternative fuel is ever found, I believe it would take more than a decade from now to kick oil habits. Not only for scientific research but for economic issues as well.

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About Me

"I am rubbish"

Biographical Information
Name: Mike 
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: United Kingdom
Religion: Agnostic
Education: Some College

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