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RSS Renald

Reward Points:28
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

With the popularity of IM still rising and the complications of an flooded email inbox, the need for new applications assisting us in dealing with the overload of information is growing. I think time management is an old paradigm and needs to make place for focus management. To me this means limiting interruptions, sharing multiple instances of presence for different roles. 'Old' single channel software might be upgraded but still deals with to many backward integration issues. New platforms will provide solutions to really integrating our most wanted communication channels.

2 points

When you believe God (or any other entity) is responsible for creating universe, heaven and earth, and you feel that an unsupportive concept like evolution might rumble a fundamental criteria for your belief system, how solid is your own perception and representation of the creationist viewpoint? Maybe the single focussed lense towards one viewpoint left out to many options for enhancing the favored one.

1 point

Honesty might be your starting point, an agreement between two partners. Harmony is not something you can initially agree upon. It needs to grow, it's a goal. Honesty is one of the criteria that leads to harmony.

1 point

A harmonious relationship can deal with dishonesty, not being honest will never result in harmony between partners.

1 point

Indeed, what is the point? I think harmony deals with balance in a relationship, honesty is one of the tools to maintain it. Being honest to one another seems to be some kind of an agreement. Stick to it and harmony, the long term results from your efforts, might grow.

1 point

Telling the truth can also be just a way of getting rid of your own negative feelings and planting a seed of distrust in your partner. The truth is determined by your perspective, which in most cases is a positive intention for yourself.

That's unfair like saying: "Now don't get angry, I have something to tell you...". You might hope the response is in line with your expectations and intentions, but you can not go ahead and mind read on how the actual emotional response is upfront.

"I did not intent to kiss him, it just happened...but it didn't mean anything!!" To you it might not, but it's not up to you to decide how the other responds. Being honest can crumble down a relationship, while your intention might actually be to love your partner until death (and maybe beyond) and share a harmonious life.

Even though honesty might be a noble principle, harmony seems to be a goal or to me a preferred status.

3 points

So harmony is the end goal, the higher good, right?

2 points

As I see it you mean that harmony is a goal and honesty a resource.

3 points

I think its overrated too. It takes more effort to creating and maintaining harmony. Being honest sometimes seems just an easy way out.

2 points

I think a positive relationship has a certain amount of harmony. Honesty to me is just one of the criteria to develop harmony in a relationship. Honesty to me is something more relevant to specific context. Honesty to me is not the same as lying. Harmony and ill relationship do not mix together, there is already a dis-balance which might be caused by dishonesty. Creating and maintaining harmony might result in a longterm positive relationship, I don't think being honest is the only way to get there.

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Winning Position: Yes, UC is important
Winning Position: False

About Me

"If you do what you did, you'll get what you got."

Biographical Information
Name: Renald Chi
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: Netherlands
Education: College Grad
Websites: Blog

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