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RSS Revenge

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Communism is the majority race's best friend in any country. True communism where a dictator is in place and a two party Pollitt bureau style government system of, both, liberal and conservative is a sure fire way to rid a society of "undesirables". Conservative communists known as "hardline communists" always end up with control of true communist countries. Stalin, for example, was a staunch hardline communist and ended up killing more than 35 million of his political enemies within a 25 year time frame. The things that make a socialist states ( communist country ) tempting for many Americans is because once you come to look at the itemized issues that communism solves even the most anti-communist begins to soften. In a proper socialist state minorities are drummed out and oppressed ( murdered and imprisoned ) special interests like "Gay rights" would be a thing of the past under a proper socialist state. Morality is strictly enforced in a proper socialist ( communist ) state. Freedoms are removed from the general populace in order to instill "the state over individual want and need" mindsets in people and to do away with individualism and personal intellect. This is so that every one understands clearly that there is no one or no thing above the state. This also builds strength rather than weakness in people in a communist ( proper socialist ) state. Drug dealers are publicly executed in a proper socialist state, a able body man or woman that will not pull there own weight for the state are publicly executed, etc, etc, etc. just as it is in modern day China. The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( U.S.S.R. ) under hardline communist leaders went as far as to ban "foreign languages" from many of their cities streets by deeming non Slavic languages as "enemy behavior" and "spying against the state". Men and women could be taken from there homes without warrants and imprisoned without trial for their liberal anti-socialist ( anti-hardline ) views. In a proper socialist state like in the former U.S.S.R. the secret police could arrest and imprison anyone, anytime, anywhere for the smallest of offenses. The reasons many Americans love the thought of communism is because liberals actually believe that it works out best for them and their side, but in truth communism works out best for conservatives and the GOP whether communism gets off to a slow start in America or not. Liberals truly believe that communism ( socialism ) is meant to help poor people and minorities when, in fact, it is meant to favor the hard working, the strong, the authoritarian type and the ruthlessly brutal. Marxism its self is a "only the strong survive" outlook. The reason that so many Nationalist Socialists favor this form of government is because they know that it favors whites in a majority white nation and that every one else ( minorities ) will suffer and suffer badly. This is why I never could understand why blacks in America were so big on communism because it will mean their ultimate end. University grads fresh out of college with a twisted view of communism don't understand the nature of communism even though they seem to back the notion the most in the U.S. If you've ever visited the Communist Party U.S.A.'s website you'll see youtube video where Gay men and women think that communism is all the rave, but they too would be considered enemies in a proper socialist state. The reasons we know that minorities and special interest groups would be enemies of the state in an American communist system is because of "Hardline Communist" views and as stated above hardline communists always end up with all the power in a socialist state. Only an idiot would believe that hardline communist wouldn't end up with control of a communist system in the U.S. and only vain shallow liberals would believe that they themselves would not be top on the list of enemies of the state in a communist U.S.

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