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RSS SGeerts

Reward Points:12
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe that language is an important aspect of integration into a new society. Without speaking the language of the country, it is almost impossible to contribute to the society. Therefore I believe that all immigrants should participate in a language program. However, there should not be any rules regarding as to how fast they are learning the language. As others already mentioned, some learn faster than others. Kicking immigrants out of the country for not having a sufficient level of Dutch is not acceptable. I do believe we should encourage (or even demand) all immigrants to take part in a language course, untill they have reached a certain level of Dutch to be able to succesfully participate in society.

1 point

I think it certainly gives students an advantage. Especially in the Netherlands where most companies are also involved in business in other countries. Having knowledge of other cultures and languages is beneficial in both the personal and the working life. As an ICM student I believe the internal aspect gives me an advantage over other communication students.

1 point

For me personally it would be enough. I do not care that much about fashion, but I can however appreciate a nice outfit. So for me just looking at pictures of beautiful clothing without a background story would be enough. I can image that it would be different for the ‘’fashionista’s’’ who would want to know who designed and made the clothing, where they can buy it etc. That is not the case for me personally.

SGeerts(12) Clarified
1 point

Hi joecavalry! I understand you wouldn't want one company to control the food supply, but how do you feel about gmo's in general?

1 point

I think that using social media to search for suspects is a very effective way and that the violation of the privacy of these people is of lesser importance than tracking these people down and giving them the appropriate punishment. However I do feel that in some cases, like minors and small crimes, it should not be used. A distinction should of course be made between the heavy and light crimes and the age of the suspect should be taken into consideration.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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