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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Find me one single reliable study that says children can consent to adult sex and I'll retract everything I've said.

What the hell? Well first and forth most selective fantasies aren't basis for fact. But yes, that dog is indeed acting off of instinct. Animals can't consent to sex. Period.

Homosexuality is a relationship between equal parties. Incest, to the contrary, is much more prone to abusive relations between older and younger siblings, father and daughter, or son and mother, before these individuals could be considered "consenting adults" as I said above, or before these relationships could be considered equal. Now, if we want to talk about consensual incest -- that's a completely different topic, but if you thinks its wrong because gay people have the faculties to do it, then I could turn around and use the exact same argument and apply it to heterosexuality. Heterosexuals can, and more often do, engage in incest no?

Oh, let's see...Social order, The living family members of the dead, the living friends of the dead, defiling the grave of someone who is dead and the disrespect of the act...need I really go on?

I'm going to go take a shower and then I'm going over to my cousins...I'll be back later tonight though, don't miss me to much. ;]

1 point

Most likely, yes. Although many of those types of civilizations are openly bisexual as long as it's within the realms of tribal tradition, just like how the Indians use to have a 'Third-Gender'.

Please don't talk about things you know nothing about, mkay?

2 points I'm suppose to take your ramblings as fact? Sorry, but I don't intend to do so, so your refusal to provide any facts makes you loose all credibility. Your ramblings about sexuality, something you know very little about, are the same as me denying gravity in the face of all fact. ;]

1 point

A child doesn't have the necessary mental faculties to consent to sex at that age, no.

Animals act off of instinct, they can not consent to sex with humans, no.

Incest? Sure, that's consensual, but I'm pretty sure the main argument against that is the massive chance of genetic defects in any offspring of the relationship, no?

Dead people...are you fucking kidding me? That's like me saying my defiling of a mass grave, ripping up the bodies and tearing them limb from limb is okay cause no one knows about it. It's fairly obvious it does hurt quite a few of the living.

1 point

Lol...the idiocy of your argument lies in the constant insults you feel the need to use in order to prop it up.

I'd get mad, but then I remember that your part of the small minority of people now. ;]

Also, many people are born with genetic defects such as being predispositioned to being violent, or to phobias. Being gay is no more a genetic defect than being straight, black or female is however. It's a characteristic, just like any of those things. And I'm glad I got you to admit that people are born gay, even if you backtracked and said it was just a 'small part'. ;]

Also, would you mind giving me some facts? All the organizations I've listed you represent the vast majority of the worlds physiological and sociological communities. Want me to list more? I can get you some links to the Canadian physiological association...or perhaps the European Union Commission on sexuality? All first rate medical organizations. Your insistence on denial is like me denying gravity.

1 point

I can name call to, but I prefer to present an actual thought out argument than just throwing back and forth insults. ;]

In any case, I've already said again and again that the difference, the vast difference, is consensuality. How many times do I have to say that? A child, an animal, a dead person -- they can not consent, they can not feel 'love'. Really your argument doesn't require much more shooting down than that because it's so idiotic. ;] But I know there is no use in getting you out of your mullet fantasia.

1 point

Lol. I know and have quite a few bisexual friends...dude, if your going to give me vague arguments based on nothing but your personal feelings such as calling me a 'liar' I'm not even going to bother to respond to you anymore because there is no use in fighting with someone like you.

Also, the 7%-10% figure is remarkably stable across all nations, which is just another proof of being gay being a genetic wherever you live, about 7-10% of your nation is gay or lesbian. ;] Your never alone~~ -Says in ominous voice-

1 point

And I'm sure there are a whole lot of people in the South who "Don't want those damn niggers on the tellie!" get my point. ;] There are plenty of television shows with no gay couples, plenty of television shows with ONLY gay couples...choose the ones you like and avoid the others, neh?

1 point

Lol. Kay. But I'm quite happy. My friends accept me. My family accepts me. Most people are moving to accepting me, as I am. ;] So you know more about me and my life over the internet than I know about myself? -Bows- Oh great master, what sayeth you about global warming and genocide? (;-;)

A little reading for you; ( This was all the way back in 1973 ;O ]

"Dr Qazi Rahman, a lecturer in cognitive biology at Queen Mary, University of London, said that he believed that these brain differences were laid down early in foetal development.

"As far as I'm concerned there is no argument any more - if you are gay, you are born gay," he said. "

1 point

Question; Does the positive portrayal of heterosexual relations 'promote' heterosexuality?

And then you remember that every major physiological, sociological and psychiatrist association agrees that being Gay, or Straight, Or Bi, Or Trans or Asexual is just a natural variation of human sexuality that someone has no control over. It's like trying to promote being black or white.

"Everyone has a point of view they bring to the table; a way in which they see the world."

True, true. But TV shows are made by hundreds of people. ;]

Displaying 8 most recent debates.

Winning Position: explain your up or down votes please
Winning Position: libertarian
Winning Position: It helps to learn the subject
Winning Position: Yes, on paper
Winning Position: No, there is no basis for it
Winning Position: No, it's incompatible
Winning Position: Yes, they both call for murder

About Me

"What can I say, I'm a Freshman in High School who loves to debate. I'm generally fairly progressive on most issues, but I'm not an ideologue and could be swayed if I see logic in an opposing argument. I'm a nice person in real life, but when I debate I may get a bit nasty at times. Sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean it. :]"

Biographical Information
Name: Andrew Forster
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Green Party
Country: United States
Postal Code: 12065
Religion: Agnostic
Education: High School
Websites: Green Party!
Via IM: im[email protected]

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