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RSS ScaryPanda31

Reward Points:8
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

well!! who is more important the people? or the economy? (I will give you some time to think you ignorant wrong voting scumbag)

1 point

you are a troll! go away!!! We have trolls like you! don't insult other parties, keep your opinions on the tory side!

2 points

I prefer Labour (the party i would vote - if only I was old enough), The conservatives just cut everything and take things away from people. And give it to rich people who have plenty. Labour are more fair, and care much more about the schools,hospitals,etc. However the Tories (or the 'dories' as I like to call them) are the EXACT OPPOSITE!! And they think people who have enough should earn more and pay less- and how is that right?!? - However Labour want to tax people more (but at least we know what the money is being spent on). With the conservatives, we are becoming like America! Conservatives are bullies to people who don't earn as much, it's not their fault that all of the good jobs are being taken!!! Conservatives are nothing more than scum! and allot of people are devastated that they have to put up with them for another 5 years!!! can you believe that?!?

1 point

If we left the EU. It would be harder for us to travel to other countries (e.g: France, Italy, Spain,etc.), it's annoying enough having to exchange each time I fly! Leaving the EU would also be bad for trade, as it would be harder to trade with EU countries - if we have little relation with them- anyway. Why would Britain want to leave (if it had a choice). We have a bigger say than many small countries in the EU.

1 point

Of course god doesn't exist!! There is no evidence that proves god is real! (Now that's a start!), I am not the first person to look up to the sky. And all that exists up there is clouds, stars, space, a moon, a sun, and that's almost all we know about (apart from the planets and galaxies). God is just fake! How could he be real.

Winning Position: For Uniforms!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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