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RSS Screechdaman

Reward Points:21
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10 most recent arguments.

There is no way that they are innocent. They killed 3,000 people on 9/11. And for your Korean statement, we were they fighting for the UN.

Look at you, blaming Obama. Typical. Obama was a STATE SENATOR when 9/11 happened. It is not his desicion to be in Afghanistan.

2 points

Of course the war in AFGHANISTAN is reasonable. al Qaeda hijacked 4 airplanes and crashed them into the Pentagon, WTC, and in Shanksville. They killed about 3,000 people, American and foreign. Now if they were sheltered and trained in Afghanistan, that is a pretty good reason why we are fighting there. We didn't start it, they did. We are just ending it.

Eruption is the Guitar Anthem. You cant just call that random notes, you try playing random notes and have it sound that kickass. Ya you cant, and neither can Slash.

Well in their culture the women wear burkas, and depending how it is interpreted women do have the right to not wear the burka.

EVH all the way. Dude if you compare Eruption to Paradise City, you will be blown away by all the Dutch fury exploding in your face. You cant beat eddie.

2 points

Of course they should be offered it. In the constitution it doesnt say it has to be a bible. It says it can be any book, for any religion.

Of course he was a real person. To compromise for other religions, i will be broad so dont get too mad. He was a real person, whether or not he rose from the dead, i dont know. But there r records of him being there and dying.

2 points

That doesn't make any sense. Islam wasn't started until several hundred years after Jesus was on Earth. I'm disappointed.........really

0 points

WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU IMPEACH HIM FOR?!! HIS SKIN?! You guys are just racist conservatives who didn't get their pudding for desert.

Winning Position: colts

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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