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1 point

We live in a world plagued by an inconsiderate and ungrateful sentient race. Humanity does everything it can it seems to destroy everything this great planet has to offer. Suffering and death are fates too many of our fellow man are forced to endure, mostly at the hands of our own negligence. Now of course I cannot absolve humanity of its crimes by placing the blame for all of the world's strife on the shoulders of religion, but I will say that religion is one of the most corrupting and detrimental facets of human society.

In the face of all these horrible things that happened throughout history and are happening today, those who live lives of privilege often tie themselves to religion. America's Christianity is the biggest problem in today's world. Let's look back to history to show us what religion has done. These awful superstitions began with people sacrificing each other to "Gods" regularly, and simply because people were too incompetent at the time to seek logical explanations for things like solar eclipses. Now, primitive cultures shouldn't be blamed too much, but one would think that thousands of years is enough time for religion to evolve. Wrong. Then came the biggest poison of all. Christianity.

200 AD, people are living in crappy wooden huts, dying of disease, and defecating in the streets. 1200 AD, people are still living in huts, dying of the same diseases, and defecating in the streets. Why? Because the Roman Catholic Church did their damnedest to make sure things like science and education were suppressed. Now think back to most wars started pre-twentieth century. Most caused by differences in religion. The Crusades, a huge conquest in the "name of God" that slaughtered thousands upon thousands.

Now people want so badly to forget about those dark times, to move on. But the plague of religion has not gone away, the biggest bug being Christianity. Okay, there are some radical Islamist groups in the world, but Muslims on the whole are good people who don't universally hate America. In fact, Muslim Americans are some of the most patriotic and kind people. Christians however, not so much. In a country that is supposed to be all about religious tolerance and against a state sanctioned religion, it is quite disconcerting when policy makers are now basing integral political decisions off of what Jesus and God wants. America is somehow the most religious and pretentious country in the world right now, much to our own detriment.

Church and religion is nothing but a tool for brainwashing and controlling masses into doing or not doing what religious figure heads determine is right and wrong. It is more subliminal than Communism or Fascism, but it is indeed a way for a small group of people to control a large group. It worked in the Medieval times, and if religious politicians have their way in America, it will happen again. These self righteous bigots try to tell people who they can and cannot marry, what they can and cannot buy or do, that premarital sex is wrong, that homosexuality is an abomination, that those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah are in the dark and that it's up to the "enlightened" followers to bring them into the light. The LDS Church-just a wacky branch off of Christianity-used to be undeniably racist until they decided they wanted their schools to have good football teams. So lets think back, Hitler wanted to cleanse the world of those who didn't fit his "Aryan" race profile, hated homosexuality, used propaganda to brainwash people, and wished to establish a total dictatorship. Stalin wanted to absolve private ownership of property, wished to oppress those who opposed him (usually by killing them) and also wished to push his delusional idea of a communist world on everybody. So maybe Christians don't have people that don't agree with them killed, but they sure do everything else to try and control your life. They'll tell you who you should marry, what you can and cannot do in your life, and will guilt you into paying their bills for them. It's funny how much the Catholic church makes and how lavish a wardrobe a man (the Pope) who has supposedly taken a vow of poverty is.

Religion is a scam, a plague, a cancer on humanity. It does not take all the blame for humanity's obsession with ruin, but it takes a big chunk of the cake for the world's decadence.

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