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Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Well Cam This is based on Something im trying to do but i cand do that without yolo ing it!

2 points

Well guys I guess books have won cam and I are the only ones who are votting T.V so meh

0 points

I do agree duck shooting is a way to get rid of pest like ducks in the owners farm

2 points

Who is a parent and do you let your kid watch T.V? sssssßsssssssss

2 points

Cam! Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol yolo

You only live once

1 point

Kids have many favourite shows and as a kid some parents use these funny and adorable kids shows as a distraction so their child can have a little laughter and the parent can have a little peace and quite watching with her child!👪

1 point

No I do admit I read loads of books but I also don't read poorly written books but enjoyable and fun books but mostly all TV shows are funny have drama romance laughter and creativity

2 points

God has helped Christians by many ways not just christians the people who believe in the word of God. Miracles have happened by maybe coincidences but maybe just maybe it may be god up there speaking truth and miracles!😇👍

1 point

Oh really so i guess the detail in a bad book is better than a good movie or channel?

1 point

Well Isn't entertainment good and amusing, books have the entertainment feature but the T.V has a more amusing and entertaining shows

Winning Position: Yolo!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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