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RSS Sherwinseah

Reward Points:20
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

How does this relate to the point that you are disputing?

1 point

One does not simple walks up to you and say you are beautiful and say he/she likes your house.

0 points

Why would you use social media to contact friends if our parents want you to study?

2 points

I believe that chatting on social media does not mean that you are social.

1 point

Learning more about the lives of people doesn't make you more social. It just makes you a stalker.

Person A: Hey, I saw your post on facebook! That's really cool!

Person B: I can't talk to strangers. Go away stalker.

1 point

No. But if there is less mobile phone users, there is a higher chance of the people interacting which each other on long jouneys.

2 points

In my opinion, social media has made us less social. It is true as many people that take the MRT nowadays rarely communicate with each other. Once they enter the train, they would take out their mobile phone and start browsing social media. There is a large jump in the number of people holding a mobile phone from 2000 to 2010. There is a rise of 825.1million new users in Asia. There is also a large rise of internet users in the same period. China’s number of internet user’s increased by about 400million from 2000 to 2010.

2 points

If you think that building a hospital is very great, won't Farquhar be very great too as there were pests like centipedes and rats all over the island. These pests hurt some people. The rats also destroyed the food supplies. Tigers were also a threat to the people here. Farquhar rewarded money to those who killed the pest and the money came from himself

2 points

It could be Farquhar who found the country and told it to Raffles. Raffles implanted a plan of naming some buildings under his name.

2 points

How sure are you that they witness? Maybe all are all lying?

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About Me

"I'm a boy."

Biographical Information
Name: Sherwin Seah
Gender: Dude
Age: 11
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Singapore
Postal Code: 123456
Education: High School

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