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RSS Shubhadb

Reward Points:21
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Dr. Shubha DB ACME 2021A Batch

Qualitative research focuses more on thoughts, concepts, or experiences. The data collected often comes in narrative form and concentrates on unearthing insights that can lead to testable hypotheses. An undergraduate qualitative researcher has to learn to see, hear, perceive and understand in new ways. This makes a student learn to move out of the center of their own attention and clearly observe social settings and the individuals within them. They learn to see meanings from the perspectives of others, and not impose their own preconceived notions on experience. They develop a finely tuned ethical sense and negotiate ethical dilemmas encountered in the research process. Finally, they will be able to analyze and perceive patterns in the data they collect so that they are able to conduct thematic analysis. None of this is easy and learning to do so is a developmental process involving both the theory and philosophies of qualitative research and skill development which is very much needed for our undergraduates.

Dr. Shubha DB

ACME 2021A batch

1 point

Dr. Shubha DB_2021A Batch

I oppose the view of E-Learning becoming the educational norm in COVID times.

E-learning has proliferated society during the COVID pandemic. Although it has some benefits, there are many risks, particularly for children.

Excessive exposure to technology use can negatively impact the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of children. This can result in pathological behaviors such as technology addiction.

There is a need to increase awareness of issues that may occur with e-learning among children and teens.

1 point

Shubha DB_ACME 2021A

I oppose the view 'E-learning: educational norm in COVID times'.

Education is one of the most powerful weapons to change the world.

There are several disadvantages to e-learning compared to conventional classroom learning.

Some of them are listed below:

1. Student feedback is limited

2. Requires strong self-motivation and time management skills from both sides teacher and student.

4. Can lead to a lack of communicational skill development in students

5. Teachers tend to focus more on cognitive component rather than psychomotor skills

6. Lack of accreditation & quality assurance in online education

1 point

Dr. Shubha DB_ACME 2021A

I support Dr. Julie on 'E-Learning can only be a supplement or complement to traditional learning'.

Every teacher has their own unique style of teaching which is developed over a period either through the rapport they build with the children or through observing their body language in class, their interaction with classmates. In E-Learning, teachers just see them on computer screens, sometimes even that's not feasible in poor internet connections, and/or with a lot of disturbances, which hinders the teaching-learning process.

Thus, e-learning can be a supplement and can't be the norm in medical education.

1 point

And you don’t have to install the app as it’s inbuilt with gmail

1 point

In the free version of Google meet we can conduct sessions up to an hour compared to 40 minutes in Zoom platform

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Zoom vs Google Meet

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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