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RSS SirDerplord

Reward Points:9
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Even Neil De Grasse Tyson?

he isnt a nigger. He's a black man capable of being white on the inside.

1 point

Are you stupid? That's the entire basis of capitalism you dumb fuck. They are only rich because you are poor. If everybody was equally rich then that would be socialism.

AND IF EVERYONE WAS EGALOYY poor that would be socislism. the capitalism allows people to be wealthy no matter how gay they are as long as they work hand and have a big brain.

1 point

I fingered my butt hole and kissed a gay giraffe with a toilet bowl full of heroin being flushed down my ass. I fuck chimpanzee larvae in the colon sack while eat a baboons testicle nugget. I am also an expert poop swollower and will swollow a bird poop for 15 cents. I chew on my own nipples and finger your grandmas hoohoo because it's so slimey like a worm in my nostril filled with coke amphetamine and crystal weed. butt hole nigger poop semen biscuit neanderthal homonculus tits cheesebnurger dildo penis.

0 points

yous a pussy penis boi waylife. more like gaylife ROFTLROMAO

0 points

waylife you fucked a turkey on thankgiving and ate your moms dick

1 point

evolution is stuoppted because theree ids to sevendenice of it. they har sever once tp proveing evolutioopn

SirDerplord(9) Clarified
1 point

waylife you a are a dumb fuck. the rich don't exloit you for just being rich because you are just a jealous of succesful people and want to have a revenge. you see yourself as being screwed over when in real you just suck and can't be as good as rich people.

-1 points

Obama has done far worst then call CRIMINAL ILLEGAL immigrant as filthy animals.

yas he is a satan worshipper.

Obama insulted every AMERICAN Christian and gun owner with his condescending remarks about people clinging to their God and Guns!

yas the lefty fucktards lie to say trump is racist and misconstrue his words when he means illegal immagrants and criminals, but onama insulting us everyday to own guns and belief in the lord.

You spew deceptive garbage and you still get it all backward.

athieststs are a cancerous upon the soceity

Winning Position: gaylife showed me a picture of his dick in pm. I'm like 11 years old dude.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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