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RSS Skaterdude

Reward Points:5
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7 most recent arguments.
2 points

Boys and girls cannot relate to vampires and their powers. HP has emotion too. You mean twilight has more sex?? Yeah ur def right about that. And the actors are not great. Their looks are but acting wise, they should be burned in hell for tarnishing the art of acting. The only thing I will agree with you is that both worlds are different except the sane, normal, smarter people will choose the right path. They do not need to be told...

2 points

Psssht. HP all the way baby. Twilight degrades the feminist movement because bella has to depend on edward of taylor whatever his name is. She has to depend on them, she isn't independent thus making females weaker than they are. Hermoine can take care of herself without Harry and Ron plus shes the most powerful witch. What kind of vampire sparkles in light??? Oh yeah...fag vampires. They are ruining the image that vampires have established over the long long years. Stephanie Meyer is NOT the next JK Rowling nor will she come close. JK owns the throne. Plus if the HP universe and the twilight universe went head to head, the HP universe would decimate the competition in mere moments. Even my own sister whos in high school admits twilight is kinda gay. Twilight promotes the idea of sex, and even Emma Watson hates twilight. She said it herself. She said the same thing about twilight promoting sex. Plus the only reason twilight is big is because they use attractive actors who don't know shit about REAL flippin vamps. Its all about sex. Like the saying goes, "Sex sells." And for me those who follow twilight, they will follow whatever MTV garbage tells em to follow. I just wish the twilight saga wasn't invented. Well, at least if you're smart enough you'll watch and like HP over that obvious garbage. HP fans are worthy fellows. Twilight will never stand the test of time. Harry Potter will always be a milestone in the book and movie world. HP for life!!!

1 point

Are you going to blindly follow whatever the govt tells you?? Same with the age old question: would u follow someone who jumped off a cliff??

2 points

now with osama dead, all the more reason to vote him for another term, or three!! :)

1 point

Cancer duh. its already at a high death rate and is scarcely exceeding fast in numbers. Oh my!!

1 point

I havent but I know secretely some of my friends do to me only because they're jealous that ive achieved so much more than they have so they wanna make me feel bad by bringing me down purposlly over a debate they did on purpose

1 point

Who cares. They make it seem like england takes their weddings seriously. I mean why them 2? They are the first and only couple Ive seen ever marry in a worldwide tv and internet event. The prime minister makes the country'ss decision anyway...

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