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RSS Sketchy

Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

I will go right back to my point of overpopulation. You're wanting to find the answer on how we can live together, and the answer to that is you can't. It's a fight in the world and you must do what you can to win. If you simply take away a good 7.6 million people it will make a dent, a microscopic one at that, but at least a dent in the rapid growing population. In the next 50 years, the world will have to produce more food than it has had to produce in the last 10,000 years combined. I'm not saying I am happy letting 7 million people die. But what is the point of killing one million people for creating a cure that will only hurt us? Even if there was a cure, it would create a damage on their life span (most likely).

1 point

I would much rather kill the man who cures cancer. Many of you are looking at this the wrong way. Such as natural disasters, Cancer is another way to keep control of the population. In the world there are people starving every day due to lack of food. Overpopulation is just as dangerous, if not more dangerous than cancer. We've all seen the commercials with a starved African child because of his poor living conditions. That doesn't only happen in 3rd world countries. Overpopulation is a plague to large cities even in America. Approximately 7.6 million people in the [b]world[/b] die from cancer each year. Approximately 4 million births are in the [b]US[/b] alone. According to, there are 131.4 million births in the entire [b]world[/b]. Compare that to the number of deaths? 55.3 million people in the world die each year. The birth:death rate ratio is over 2.0. The math and facts show it. If you take away one of the main threats of a human life the world itself can't stand a longer life span.

1 point

This has been disputed since it first hit mainstream media. By mainstream, I mean by the time all generations, old and young, started caring about it. The Mayans predicted the world would end, sure. But, they forgot to include one thing. They forgot to include the leap year.

1 point

I have done research or I would of not spoken on such a timid subject. You're on a debate forum and you're letting your emotions get in the way of facts. There are many stories if you take the time to look for you'd be shocked by what you see.

2 points

I don't think you completely understand. Homework is considered a joke to most students. Students have the thought in their mind that homework is a completion/practice grade, meaning they get points for it if it's done. If it is something that will be graded for correctness, then they are most likely to get answers from the web, parents, or cheat off another friend's paper. And there is nothing wrong with the school hours. Most schools have 45-50 minute class periods. That is in fact enough time to learn the material. Homework doesn't teach you anything. The ones who are for homework can easily study and do practice problems from their book or whatever else they have. Also, if you want to look it from another point of view you can think of the stress it causes. Large homework assignments stress me out I know that for a fact. High School may be the hardest time of a teenagers life. You have to juggle grades, social lives, some start getting jobs and whatever other problems they have at home. Students don't always have time to go home and do an hour or so of homework if they work somewhere for 5 hours a night. People have lives outside of school.

2 points

What does completing a paper after school prove? When you go home you have the internet, parents, and many other resources to help you. What does getting all the answers from the internet prove? And if a student is truly having trouble but turning in all their homework because they get the answer from parents and other resources, how will the teacher knows if he/she needs help or not?

1 point

There is no question about this. Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the United States. The high it gives you only lasts 40 minutes to an hour. There are more deaths related to alcohol/tobacco products in one year than there is of deaths related to Marijuana in all of existence. Most people would argue, "Everyone would be high and put other people in danger". This is a simple fix: create laws like we have for alcohol. No driving while high. No smoking it in public places such as parks, town squares, etc.

2 points

I guarantee you can find no facts to support this. If a teacher needs to stack a child with homework to get them to learn a subject, then they aren't doing their job correctly. If a student is actually struggling the teacher should offer before/after school help. If some one doesn't understand a subject then throwing homework at them wont help. They will most likely do poorly on the homework or resort to not doing it/guessing.

1 point

I can't count how many people I know that are more intelligent than half of the A students but end up barely passing or failing a class due to their homework completion. I would consider me in that group of people. As a sophomore student in High School I have struggled to make grades due to homework. At the school I use to go to K-9th grade I constantly struggled making the grades. I would get no lower than 75s on tests but I just had a trouble completing homework. Since moving and changing schools I have found a system that works for me. The new school I go to makes tests and quizzes 85% of your grade and homework/in class assignments 15%. We are halfway through the 1st quarter and I am a B+ student. I still don't do many of my at-home assignments, but I am breezing through this year with the 85%/15% system.

3 points

I do not hate Muslims. Every religion has radical members/leaders. The only reason anyone would have said they hated Muslims is because they have been brainwashed with propaganda seen on the news or taught in school. My only problem with the Muslim religion is how they treat their women. But as a whole, I have no problems with anyone of the Islamic religion.

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Biographical Information
Name: AJ 
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Religion: Other
Education: High School

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