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RSS SophieS

Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Don't worry about the length of time taken to reply.

The worry about police departments identifying a race accountable for a particular crime is that that race then becomes the target for hate crimes by the civilian population and it becomes fuel for racist ideology.

Fighting crime may not necessarily mean those things, but in the way that you propose police departments do it, it will result in innocent people being unduly detained or mistreated.

There are a lot of problems with police departments becoming overcome by their own power and abusing it; take the Stanford Prison experiments, for example. There is nothing to suggest that profiling has any other result than furthering racist ideas.

Let's look at this question from another angle. Why would racial profiling even be considered as a tool to fight crime? Because some races are thought to be more likely to commit certain crimes than others. Why is that? Because this is statistically the case.

But being a certain race doesn't predispose you to committing crimes. Life circumstances are what predispose people to committing crimes.

1 point

We call people who are racist racist because they are racist. Left wing in America is moderate in comparison to many European counterparts. Although I have very little to say on Ben Carson, I would point out that being black does not mean he is not a victim of internalised racism. That's a thing.

1 point

Dude. What made the big bang? ----------------------------------------

0 points

Human nature is neither good nor evil. Human nature is the amalgamation of our evolutionary instincts and survival tactics, which is morally neutral.

Another question is how do you define "good" and "evil" in this context? The most obvious idea is that good= baking cookies for your neighbor and evil=stalking them. Intuitively, we know that one is right and one is wrong. But which of these two actions is the natural tendency?

Evolutionarily, it would make sense that we would seek out our neighbor in a friendly and social manner, in order to widen our support network. It would also make sense for us to keep a close eye on them if we mistrust them or view them as a threat.

Because perception is inherently subjective, human's natural inclination towards good or evil is also entirely subjective.

I venture that we are asking the wrong question, and that good and evil varies by the individual.

So what does "human nature" refer to?

SophieS(22) Clarified
1 point

Jace I would love to hear more from you on your understanding of Globalisation and its negative impacts.

How can you show that this is at least partially caused by globalisation, rather than just correlation?

How has this pattern of economic exploitation and political interference been displayed?

I'm trying to understand this thoroughly.

1 point

I find the consumerist axis around which modern christmas operates highly disturbing. I would be far more content receiving a handwritten letter and one or two items I truly want or need. I have tried to divert this by asking for money for charitable giving, but it doesn't deflect the uneasiness I feel watching others celebrate the gift-getting season. And deaths on black friday are totally unnaceptable.

SophieS(22) Clarified
1 point

I agree especially with your last statement. I think there is some need on the part of the feminist movement to consider men's views. However, it is important to realise that the patriarchy negatively affects all sexes and genders, and that the feminist movement has more to offer to men than many realise.

SophieS(22) Clarified
1 point

You make a fair point. I would like to know what you believe is a market of equal opportunity. It seems to me that despite this ideal, the opportunity is based on purchasing power. This purchasing power is limited by ascriptive discrimination.

Although we live in a society which claims equal opportunity due to a free market, i know of one example that leads me to question this. A close friend of mine's grandfather was a carpenter, and was paid half as much as his white colleagues. The phenomenon of the cycle of poverty means that despite the fact that this occurred in the 50's, it has had resounding implications generations later. This restricts opportunity on a racial basis, even if it is partially removed from the source.

1 point

The myth of the motivated individual is a human fallacy and is not an appropriate analogy to understanding the world's order. It is rather "figurations", that is, networks of dependencies. i.e. the economy or the ecosystem

2 points

It's very difficult for me to take someone seriously who feels the need to CAPITALISE in order to make a POINT more COMPELLING.

Aside from that, Trump is not honest. He claims his net worth is 10 billion- the experts at Forbes place him at 4 billion.

He has provided validation for scores of americans who are filled with senseless hatred.

In this way, and I know this is a very strong statement to make, he terrifies me. He reminds me of the early days of Hitler's political campaign.

If you have ever read 1984, the "thought police" also taught a doctrine of overwhelming hatred. This hatred clouds your vision and judgement more than any PC pussyfooting could ever do.

The "americans" you are referring to, who are "desperate" for Trump, are seeking validation for their own racially based mistrust and narrow understanding of America's global position.

If Trump wins, there will be hell toupee.

Winning Position: It's an opportunity

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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