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RSS SprinkleVII

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Reports by the WHO, NIH, and independent sources have shown that abstinence-only campaigns prove ineffective and can even increase unplanned pregnancies. WHO Report NIH Report Independent report

1 point

I would like to talk about the Ban policy. There have been statements that you (FromWithin) will ban people who disagree with you. The concept regarding freedom of expression is that all people should be allowed to speak, this is regardless of faith, background, or creed. By banning people you restrict the spread of legitimate ideas and information, especially in a forum such as this which is built around the free exchange of Ideas. Not to mention the execution of laws can't be arbitrary, and based on whether one agrees with the thoughts or not.

1 point

Lets begin with the patriot act. The law has provisions to withhold the writ of habeas corpus, if one is "suspected to be involved with terrorist activities." The law also allowed for the increase of surveillance by the NSA. The worst would be the implementation of the National Security Letters (NSL), which would allow any National Intelligence or Justice Agency to require any organization to turn over any records or data without the need of probable cause and with no Judicial or legislative overview, and had a gag order for the organization- this last clause was shot down by the courts.

The unrestricted Military use does not, admittedly, affect me directly, but it has throughout history been known to under mine the development of Democratic societies. I would recommend researching the fall of the Roman Republic primarily Marius, Sulla, The Catiline Conspiracy, Caesar, Mark Antony, and Augustus.

Most of the foreign Prisoners are not true criminals of war. While there are some, not all of them are. Not to mention we wouldn't know if they are or not because the writ of habeas corpus was revoked for them. And torture is prohibited under the UN Human Rights Declaration, which the US Ratified. It is also a very ineffective means of producing Intelligence. And, just because it doesn't effect me doesn't mean that others don't deserve freedom. Torture is an immoral action and should severely be punished, not to mention it is already against the law.

Oh and I don't agree with Obama's Drone Policy, it must be more regulated.

In regard to abortions and your health insurance, you pay a company which uses some of your money to pay for abortions.

As I repeat Planned Parenthood DOES NOT sell abortionned baby organs. what they do is donate, with the parents permission, Babies the are either born dead (lack of brain activity), or die shortly after birth.

In regards to welfare. It is not meant to be a life long happening or for people to be dependent of it. while some abuse it, the vast majority use it as it was meant to be used.

And the reason children go into foster care is because of the bad treatment by the "dead beat" parents. I happen to Know the inner workings of this system being my step-mom is a Social worker for CPS, who's job I respect more than most.

And, I have already told you why I Support the democratic principles, and that I would vote for a republican if the would be a better statesman.

Finally with gun control the democratic party does not support taking guns away, I have been in the meetings of my local democratic caucus and seen the workings of the political debates being my Dad is an Assemblyman.

PS: I am not a moron. I Have taken 16 Honors/AP Classes, and am set to graduate with an Honors diploma with almost 30 credits when I need 24.

1 point

Part Two

In response to the other comments:

1 I do not believe in abortion after brain activity begins in the fetus. And, the Planned Parenthood anecdote is not true, there is no creditable support to back up the claims.

2 If you have insurance you are paying for abortions too. And, I am fine with helping to pay with them .

3 I agree with regulating guns, but not taking all of them away. I, in fact, plan to hunt and own guns while I'm older. Not to mention the 2nd amendment states "A well Regulated militia," Therefore regulation is sanctioned in the 2nd amendment, and the only right to bear arms is if you are part of a militia (State regulated), which was converted to the National Guard in the late 1800's.

4 I am willing to pay for Universal Health care, because health is a right, not a privilege. Mental health is rather important. I have personally been touched by this, being my mom committed suicide because she could not get the adequate treatment.

5 I do note agree with the black vs. cop debate, and the the 'If you don't vote a certain way your racist' rational. But, racism is still a problem in this country and must be addressed.

6 Laws that conservatives have passed that limit freedom include: the Patriot and Freedom Acts, No Child Left Behind, The perversion (though not an official law) of Title 10 and Title 50 allowing for unrestricted military use, assassination, and torture.

7 Conservatives are not a thousand times better than liberals, nor are liberals a thousand times better than conservatives. Both sides are mad up of people who are both good and bad.

8 Freedoms must be restricted in order to have freedom. Madison once said that "Liberty must be protected against the oppression of liberty as well as the the oppression of tyranny (government)." In Federalist 2 Jay stated "Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government .. and that whenever and how ever it is instituted the people must give up some of their natural rights."

Now that this is settled we should return to the debate at hand

1 point

Part One

To begin inflation is due to lack of wealth spread not higher prices, though higher prices do rise from inflation.

I am a Democrat because I believe in giving people a second chance, and helping people. From an economic view, I believe in the capitalistic system because it is the system that lasts with giving people the most economic freedom, but I do not believe one should have to live a destitute life because they cant get a living wage, regulation is necessary to protect consumers, business leaders, and workers, while a worker deserves a pension when he retires , and should not be thrown onto the street because they are injured.

I am not blind in my views. I have a father who is a state legislator, so I see the inner workings of politics on a regular basis. I actively seek out non-partisan and astute news sources, and even research and watch fox news.

I do not believe that if one does not vote democrat they are inhumane. I have many friends who are conservative. Also , I would vote for a republican if I thought he would be a better statesman (or woman) and would bring productive debate to the table.

1 point

Minimum wage can be an effective means of stimulating the economy and increasing personal well being. Increasing people's income can combat stagnation and inflation by increasing the flow of money through the economy (i.e. more money in one's pocket the more they are likely to spend). Also, by increasing personal income, it lowers the number of people on social welfare programs; such as social security, food stamps, welfare, and subsidized health care. In regards to personal well being, raising the minimum wage increases intrinsic motivation for doing the job (which also increases productivity), increases proper nutrition, more vacation time, access to education - more money to be set aside for college and ability for those return to education, and overall happiness.

PS: I am a democrat and I am NOT a socialist. I believe in the capitalistic system. Also, if this country is to fall it wont be just from democrats, its from both liberals and conservatives.

2 points

Animals do have homosexuality. A prime example of this would be two swans in Boston previously, known as Romeo and Juliet, who turned out to be a same sex pair.

1 point

It is not irrelevant for America is a Republic. The Constitution never once says Democracy. The pledge of allegiance say "to the REPUBLIC for which it stands." During the early stages of our country democracy was a bad word. The United States is a Republic based on the protection of the whole populace. This can be seen with the Supreme Court, which is a translation of the tribunes in Ancient Rome. Their job (both the Supreme Court and the Tribunes) is to look for the well fare of the people, both the majority and the minority. Our executive branch is based off of the magistrates in Rome: i.e. President = Consuls etc. Not to mention the upper house of congress is called THE SENATE. And, the fact that we elect people to make laws for all of the people not direct vote and majority (mob) rule as can be seen in Greece.

1 point

I am not debating the morality of Christianity or any other religion/or philosophy for that matter. What I am stating that when any group, organization, or people have too much power bad things do happen. It happened with Christianity during the dark ages, the Spanish inquisition, in Africa, and the (US) south. Just as it has happened with other groups, such as ISIS, the Brahmans in India; even Buddhists in northern India and Myanmar. This is why our founding fathers split the powers of the U.S. with checks and balances. And, why in the first amendment they added the clause Congress shall pass no law respecting or restricting any religion.

0 points

The Athenian form of government was a Democracy not a Republic. In a Democracy it is ruled by the majority. This means that the majority decides the laws, freedoms, and other actions of the state. In a Republic it is the law that drives the state. It is meant to protect all of the persons in the state. Its name is derived from Latin Res Publica, of the public or commonwealth encompassing all people not just the majority. Also the classic Greco democracy (under Pericles) did not arise until the latter half of the 5th century BC (440's and 430's bc). the Roman Republic was officially established in 509 bc. rights were extended with the creation of the Twelve Tables of law (450's bc) tribunes, much like our supreme court, during the mid 5th century (extended to ten later), and the assemblies, which were heavily influenced by the Greek democracy, first created in the 5th century and then gained more power through the 4th and 3rd centuries.

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: Lets not do it vs. Lets do it ... not like that
Winning Position: If you take them we are all go
Winning Position: Not worthy of celebration

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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