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RSS Sushpicious

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Clearly the burden of proof belongs to us religious people. But just as we can't prove who we worship other than a book 1400 years old (Al-Qur'an) or a compilation compiled between 100 - 400 CE (Bible), neither can anyone disprove the existence of God.

Yes, many religious statements have been disproved by science, but there will be one subject that cannot be disproven, that is, the existence of God.

Some of you will use the 'Big Bang' as a reason of God's nonexistence. To that, I can only say, "It was as God had willed."

Some will also use mankind's imperfection as an excuse of the lack of God. God has made us adaptable, and yet, we're not perfect in every way. And many of us will be born with defects. I was born with Hepatitis C, as well as Diabetes Mellitus, but I can only be patient, and take it as a test from God.

Truth be told I'm not even sure why I wrote all that. Now if you excuse me, I'll be arguing about whether technology is important or harmful

1 point

The technologic revolution started around...When high-speed internet was created. It was truly a monumental moment for easily accessing knowledge. I mean, yes, most of us just use it to cheat on our homework or watch cat videos. But at the rate at how technology is improving, we are going to indefinitely need technology; placing its need as a primary need, along with food, sleep, clothing, and shelter eventually.

Yes, the misuse of technology has lead to many bad things, ranging from watching porn while still underage, to cyber predation. But you know what else can lead to unspeakable things? My socks.

I can use it to masturbate while in the school's toilet if I wish to. Or I can use it to suffocate my fellow classmates. Not that I would do either of those things, of course. Just trying to point out the fact that everything, when misused, can be used for immoral purposes.

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