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RSS Swami

Reward Points:6
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

The process is started by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parliament to impeach the President, where the Constitutional Court decides whether the President is guilty of the crime of which he is charged. This also would require the President’s own party to vote against him. This hardly happens unless the crime the President is accused of is believed to be true.

6 points

It’s common knowledge that the President has the power to veto bills and other acts of Congress, but you may also argue that the President’s veto can be overridden by two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate. This however hardly happens because of how gridlocked and polarized congress is. The President has veto power for a reason, to keep the legislative branch from becoming too powerful.

4 points

The president also has the power to Command Armed Forces. This means The president decides where troops shall be stationed, where ships shall be sent, and how weapons shall be used. All military generals take their orders from the president. Although the president cannot declare war but the Constitution makes the President Commander in Chief of all U.S. military forces, and Congress cannot give command to any other person. With this power the President only has to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action.

4 points

The president is more powerful than congress. With the executive order the president can pass a law without the approval of congress. In previous years the president used the Executive Order to delegate military authority to remove any or all people in a military. You can argue that the president’s can be overturned by passing a bill but the president also has the power to veto that bill which ultimately allows him to still get what he wants.

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