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RSS TaintAzaelia

Reward Points:1
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3 points

I'm going to say no, because frankly, what difference will it make? A lot of people here are noting that people will be 'more mature' at eighteen. It's two years difference. At fifteen (well, almost), I know some really mature sixteen year olds and really immature eighteen year olds. I was driven to school many times last year by my friend's neighbour (who was seventeen), who was perfectly responsible.

I also notice a lot of people noting that many teens die in crashes every year. If you raise it to eighteen, then won't more eighteen year olds die? It's all about experience, not age. People need to realize that physical size or age don't necessarily change your maturity.

At almost fifteen, I've been told many times that I'm extremely mature for my age. But then there's those kids who act out and seem extremely immature at eighteen, sometimes even older.

So really, what difference does age make? It's about maturity, which isn't measured in age, but in...well, maturity. And driving is about EXPERIENCE, not age.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Azaelia Taintedmoon
Gender: grrrl
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Green Party
Country: Canada
Education: High School

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