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RSS TheKingFive

Reward Points:6
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Personally, I think that sports should stick to the males. I don't have nothing against females but I would prefer to watch C.C. Sabathia pitch 92 M.P.H. SLIDERS THAN CRIS CYBORG BOUNCE AROUND IN TIGHTS

1 point

It's completely ethical. In some views wrong but ethical... there's nothing that tops it

2 points

I support this side because I believe that all country's should be subject to change whether there in a bad situation or not. No one should be ever called queen for 50 plus years. Not ever. we could have a queen but is it really necessary for that long. Our (U.S.) great president Johnathan Fitzgerald Kennedy would have only been able to serve 8 years if it weren't for his assassination on his 3rd year of presidency. The Great general that led our country through world war 2 as general of our army would of had only been able to serve 8 years. These are some of the greatest men on earth at their respective times but yet they are required to serve 4 years. I am not saying that every country should be subject to having a 4 year presidency but seriously anyone who is 70 really shouldn't be the ruler of anything but their beds.

1 point

Yes exactly, what is so damn entertaining about 40+ men running around in pads. This is basically pointless because of all the millions of football fans who think i'm a jerk but I would choose any sport over football. Something that is actually entertaining and requires skill like Basketball.

2 points

Why is this even a question Microsoft FTW. Sony will never have something we have quantity over quality is what I think. Sure the PS2 sold over 200 million copies and the XBOX sold 24 million. That's because a bunch of Chinese mill factory workers cant build a sturdy console and consumers had to keep building new ones. Look at the sheer size of the Xbox. Damn thing weights more than me. Sony will never touch gears.

1 point

Football is damn near a joke of a sport. Now I know squash and Martial arts are a little cliche but seriously football? That's like bringing back baseball stick with skill sports like basketball and not given sports like football.

2 points

I am a Democratic Catholic..... which means the entire basis of the party and religion is to openly convert people to see what you see and open there eyes from the blinding fog that covers them. It doesn't seem as though it was meant to offend anybody but I guess that it would be if you weren't doing it properly. Other than that I see nothing wrong with open conversion.

2 points

Even though most of all of our presidents turn out to be Jewish. We have had some catholic like J.F.K. and they turned out to work out very well despite the assassination. Now with a Muslim the controversy would never end. 300 years of Jews and Catholics and we have turned out fine. With some bumps along the way with scandals and impeachments we have had our fair share of problems; but aslong as were not under a monarchy, dictatorship, or communist. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

1 point

I am choosing probably not even though personally it is completely out of the question. You couldn't pay me to. I know that most Muslims are sitting here saying that "oh he just doesn't like us". That completely isn't true. Just think....... you guys are smart people. All the controversy. We had a black president and people called him a muslim because of his last name. Now imagine someone who expresses it. I am not racist or anything like that. I just would never want want to pledge allegiance to a muslim.

1 point

Now do I believe in executing a 4-year old. No, but I digress. Let's say that when you were a child you went and stole a juice from the corner store at age 9. You are going to sit there and tell me you didn't know that it was wrong with a straight face. Even a 14 15 and 16 year old, all big and bad and mature. Having sex getting women pregnant didn't know that it was wrong to push that old lady from across the hall down the steps. Even though she died from her injuries and left a family heart broken and in tears, because there not "18" they don't deserve to go to jail.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

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"I am a young teen who enjoys arguing -Flawless -Six Pack -Jet Black Hair -Godly Figure"

Biographical Information
Name: Joel Mattos
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Postal Code: 19120
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School
Via IM: im[email protected]

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