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RSS Tosin4Nature

Reward Points:1
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2 points

I strongly disagree over the above subject. Yes we firstly have to acknowledge we are part of the components of the environment and so as, all the things we do have a great impact on the environment. Having come to this reality, individuals taking the responsibility or actions to protect and conserve the environment deserve accolades in that regard. Need I have to say individual actions at the local level contribute to the global environmental problems we have as at today. So efforts pull by individual to conserve the environment is not futile but remarkable. We are all environmental Stewards our duty is to keep and to protect the environment. Contrary action is however unsustainable and highly detrimental to the planet as a whole.

What individuals can do include,

1. Accept you are an environmental vanguard or steward

2. Dispose your waste responsibility, reuse and recycle, however reject when it's not needed

3. Plant tree, flowers, encourage backyard gardens

4. Live and eat sustainably

5. Buy re-useable products

6. Use renewable energy

7. Turn your electrical appliances off when not in use

8. Conserve water, avoid wastage of this potential resource

9. Join an environmental group, participate in voluntary clean-up, create awareness, build networks and create eco-synergy to developing eco friendly solutions to arising problems in the wake of growing development and technology advancement.

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