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RSS UrsusMagnus

Reward Points:0
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

They're just reworked hippies. Infiltrated by sieu and ACORN (yes, they still exist) and approved by Brer Prez, The US Communist party, the US NAZI party, the insane prez of Iran, and every other dystopian socialist totalitarian fool.

1 point

Nope. If you reason with the proper information, it will enforce faith. Who says "reason" is the opposite of faith? Some mindless philosopher.

1 point

What's to argue? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

0 points

They cannot prove the non existance of God, all they have is a faith as rabid as any muzlim.

1 point

Maybe thy should have aborted YOU. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1 point

Just because something has been made "law" doesn't make it right.

1 point

Abortion is MURDER. And here for the character commies............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1 point

You're talking about the Roman Catholic Church, who murdered TONS of Christians. And you think YOU know hostory.

1 point

Refutred by whom? A bunch of mindless philosophers? What makes them omniscient? Any good talker can spin you a web of deceit. Even Satan appears as an angel of light.

1 point

Of course they (He) is real. You wouldn't be here if He wasn't.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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