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Reward Points:12
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

The wealthiest countries in the world have fair opportunities for the lower class citizens and women. You need to empower all types of people to take advantage of the potential brain power that can be used open a countries opportunities. India has a long history of a class based society that treats a large percentages of the population as lower class and sub-human. It is only now that they are starting to accept the notion that the best opportunities are when all people are treated equally and they are starting to develop into a knowledge nation. There is a lot of resistence to this concept and corruption is slowing down potential growth opportunities for the country.

1 point

I think most people who enjoy blonde jokes enjoy the jokes and usually don't have strong opinions on blondes intelligence. I have noticed that some guys only want to talk to blondes. Maybe blondes look silly because of the guys they attract.

1 point

No, they should not be known as racist jokes as blondes are a race of people.

1 point

Most addictions can be treated medically as some disease and the number of drugs to treat virtually any addiction is growing and growing. However, there is always responsibility and a medical diagnosis for an addiction is not an excuse for the behaviour.

3 points

Modern day athiests who pride themselves on critical thinking often specialise their attention on what they can see or measure. Religious people often see these people as time wasters as they believe in things that are unseen and unmeasureable. Faith is treated by these people as evidence of a lack of critical thinking as it revolves around ideas of thing unseen and unmeasureable. Religeous people think critically but do so in paradigms of thinking that athiests like to believe are not critical thinking.

When religeous people or athiests try to point at each other and make acusations such as the other can't think critically, the quality of the discussion deteriorates to power plays. It is better for everyone to try and understand the paradigms of thinking that each other has and why they ignore some arguments.

2 points

Kill people to get stronger? The poorest people are often the hardest workers. They get paid little and own few assets and so they work extra hours to get the basic needs that the rest of us take for granted. If you want to increase strength, the poorer people may be the wrong people to kill. However, the process of picking people to kill is inhumane and disgusting. Being stronger as a purpose for a genocide worse than the world has ever seen is not good.

2 points

Arguments have 4 sides.

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1 point

Snails are survivors. They are one of the only animals that can breath in and out of water. However, those sea snails are like different animals.

1 point

I'm not a carrot, therefore I must be a banana!

If I was a carrot, I would be orange. I am not orange.

Winning Position: Arguments have > 2 sides

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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