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RSS Wankasaurus

Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

I strongly encourage this to be law, punishable by bullying.

If libs have their way, bullying will be re-defined as statements of fact.

1 point

if they think people with a different belief are "not as good as themselves"

But everything you said prior to this was hate speech against conservatives for having different beliefs though.

2 points

For those of us who are not post-modernist neo-marxists, its easy to see why you are wrong. Gay couples raising kids will never be the norm, because the vast majority of people are heterosexual. This is not a social construct, it is biology. Now run along back to mommy's basement.

1 point

god also says that communists nommunists are gay.

nom nom

1 point

You have it here you have it right here folks. sexcon is so stupid he thinks cats can do math.

1 point

Oh wow. So now not only do buttplugs have a sexual orientation, but they also have a political ideology? That's awesome Bronto, except shut your astonishingly stupid mouth you boring Nazi scumbag.

You have the literary acuity of a block of cheese, and it isn't the sharp kind either.

1 point

How old are you, WANK? You can't be out of your teens

I am old enough to reme,mber a time when neo-marxcist butt plugs didnt run thje democratic party

2 points

How does Nom even tie his shoes? I reckon he never has to, because he never leaves mommy's basement. If he left Momm'ys basement he wouldn't have time to play Skyrim and make Nazi shitposts with 6 billion alt accounts 24/7

0 points

nigger penis vagina pussy .

Andy, ban me you bitch ass nigger jew

-1 points


had sex with his stepmom

while smoking a crystal meth bong

and dunking like Lebron

dunking oreos that is

because he's a fat jew and his flabs thick

he sucked his dads dick

he's a sponge for that cum but he's dumb like Patrick

You like my rap bitch?

yeah, sick

you can admit that shit

you're just a halfwit

and you say you're jewish? as if

you touch lil' boys, that shit is too catholic

Displaying 4 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Nom's favorite games

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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