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RSS Warjiin

Reward Points:88
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

3)The fact you believe a word these same people who sold you on Russian collusion are saying makes you an unbelievably ignorant moron.

2 points

2)Just this week you said you have no proof of anything but that the Democrats had the proof. Once again, Adam Schiff is the one saying there's proof, but you've never seen it.

2 points

1)This is exactly what you said with Russia collusion. Then the media called it a nothing burger behind closed doors, and Adam Schiff admitted he never had any evidence when under oath despite saying he did to the media.

1 point

Looks like the left has opted out of yet another debate.

2 points

Looks like the left has chosen to opt out of yet another debate.

1 point

Well, our founding documents promote equality. Other countries don't have those.

And why is that exactly?

1 point

Well, our founding documents promote equality.

The left says America was founded on racism.So are they lying, or are you lying?

1 point

free speech advocate

Your party goes for censorship every chance it gets. liberal Too bad your party isn't. DIED in the wool capitalist. How dumb must one be to be a "died in the wool capitalist" and ignore the party that waves more and more Communist flags with every year?

1 point

Or if he wears the wrong colored tie.. If he didn't have a contract, which he does

His contract ran out, and he personally did not renew it. It mattered not because for starters he sucked, and because people began not watching the NFL in droves, so no one wanted him. Someone on this site clearly explained that a private company can block speech on their own property, so it wouldn't matter even more. Oh it was you.

1 point

So, if Twitter refuses to ban the commies

People who say they are Communists are Communists because they claim to be. And in your case, ANTIFA waves the Communist flag, and you start defending them like a psychopath. Did you think these people say they are Communists just for shits and giggles? Which part of "I'm a Communist" confuses you?

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: Individual rights vs. Centralized government
Tied Positions: The meme is toilet worthy vs. Leftists lack common sense
Winning Position: Nailed it
Winning Position: Pretty damn fat
Tied Positions: Dems are frauds vs. We know

About Me

I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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