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RSS Watchman

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

If crumpling is what I did, I would admit it, but's it's not exactly what I do, what is wrong with you?

2 points

You talking to me? No. Don't be so nasty or irrational, but I do use baby wipes. And sometimes I will even take a shower afterward.

2 points

I agree 100%. Though I am not a crumpler per se. Fecal matter is nasty I despise people who leave skid marks.

1 point

I don't really crumple it up or fold it per se, I usually roll it around my index and middle finger until it's formed into a feather pillow-like softness. I once dated a chick who told me she folds the toilet paper and her ass-hole was never that clean. Screw the green bullshit, focus on hygiene. Sorry,

no sheryl crow here I simplely don't believe in Al-gore's lie.

-1 points

"But it may very well be the most insane religion in the history of mankind."

No, I'm pretty sure the most insane religion is Islam.

"People not using condoms never has and never will stop them from having sex."

The thing is they give these african people condoms but they don't use them. You're argument is a false dilemma because not only should they be given condoms and taught how to properly use them but they should also be taught abstinence inorder to quell STDs.

"For, it turns out that while STD infections are a principal cause of women's sterility, chronic disease and early death, condoms afford girls and women categorically no protection from seven of the eight STD's studied, even when used faultlessly 100 percent of the time."

1 point

For a slacker it would be, but the chinese go to school five days aweek and put in way many more hours. Which is why they are smarter than us.

1 point

How's that not a comparsion? Who speaks sarcastically like that to mentally disabled people? I think jay was being sarcastic as in "it wasn't very good at all" (In a sort of eye ball rolling way.) Not that obama was retarded in anyway and obama took it the wrong way/down the wrong path. He misjudged jay's intent.

0 points

I'm pretty sure they're Special. Why are you mad at me and et al's for using the word special to discribe them? I choose to be senstive instead of insenstive like yourself, get over it.

You assume they suck but that's not true see my other post.

You have a real anger towards these special people. Seek help!

"That's the point of the goddamn special olympics! It's overcoming handicaps! It's not sitting around pretending they don't exist."

I agree! However, that's a postive way to go about it.

0 points

What you just provided me were talking points. I don't care who falls for what. The majory doesn't mean anything to me.

See: Argumentum ad populum fallacy.

What I said about the 40% is 100% true. statements/2007/dec/13/fred-thompson/thompsons-tax-numbers-add-up/

I didn't lie about how Bush applied taxes either.

(slate is a liberal news source)

I don't think you know what Fabian socialism is. Which is what I suggest obama is doing. I suggest you read Ludwig von Mises Marxism unmasked as well. If I'm wrong I'm wrong,

but I won't rule it out for now, just to be politically correct.

"Obama wants to raise taxes back to what they were in the 90's for the top 1% only. He is not raising taxes on the middle class or poor."

that's a disingenuous argument. Read here to understand his slight of hand completely.

(Do the fact checking yourself, i'm not lying)

Fearmongering? I'm not the guy who compared our situation to the great depression. I'm not the guy who said if these banks fail the economy will be ruined. I'm not the guy who said: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before." people say things like that you can't stop me from thinking about orwells 1984. Are you with the thought police? I guess i'ma thought criminal.

I'm sorry I even wasted my time on this with you. You're one of those people who care more about the compassionate republican/liberal agenda than the actual truth. My bad! I Should of known objectivy was dead.

1 point

1.) It's not my argument. I do believe I put a disclaimer up there before I provided the following points I've heard others make as to why they might be upset. I agree there is no law that says an intellectual can't make those comparsions. But if one does, are they really that intellectual? Infact, I think obama has a more mentally challenged skill level.

2.) Simple logic dude, Just because someone likes the bible and guns doesn't make them paranoid schizo. That's a hasty generalization on your part. It's spelled "Schizo" by the way. How is obama like you? Did you go to harvard? Do you know terroist? Is your pastor liberation theologist? So you're logic is Obama is as mentally handicapped?

3.) Good thing it's not my logic.

4.) Oh really, Prove this claim.

5.) I see so your personal truth vs my personal truth makes this argument moot? In that case, It's pretty embarrasing when a special person has more skills than our intellectual president wouldn't you say so?

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