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RSS Whiteowl1415

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

"liberals are the people taking away religious freedom"


Not allowing the Christian majority to force their religion on others through public policies is not the same as restricting their freedom to practice.

2 points

"Yes, because the whole ban prayer from school thing was an attempt from the right..."

Prayer was not, has not, nor will be banned from schools. Nor has an attempt to do so been made. What was banned was school officials LEADING prayers thereby endorsing one religion over another.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about how Obama and the Democrats have finally legalized gay marriage"

Bout time too

"Who have delegated these rights to these unions?"

The U.S. Constitution under the first amendments stating that the people have the right to assemble and peaceably petition grievances.

This is a strike against BOTH parties, Rep for trying to stop unions completely and Dems for creating areas where people a required to join

"only three states have the death penalty for both law and practice"

32 States

"Because Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the growing Libertarian movement in the Republican Party (and basically the strongest advocates for drug reform) are all Democrats, right?"

Discussion is party platforms and actions, not individuals. Each party has individuals who contradict their main actions

"Anti-tobacco is a liberal movement"

False. There is no anti-tobacco movement. Only a movement for no public smoking...i.e. Not where it affects others.

"once again, wtf are you talking about?"

Arizona's SB 1070 comes to mind

"Obama renewed the Patriot Act"

And Bush started it, so that's a wash

"The Democrats have completely disregarded the Tenth Amendment. So have the Republicans"

Yep, both parties cherry pick which parts of the Constitution they want to enforce...

Dem are all about 1st amendment and screw 2nd

Rep are all about 2nd and screw 1st

"Once again, Obama signed in the new Defense Act, which eliminates the need for trial by jury under Executive decision."

No it does not

"Ron Paul is opposed to the draft."

Again, individuals do not mean party norm

"Nixon ended the draft."

No he didn't. Nixon stopped drafting for Vietnam, something he did as the war was already winding down towards our eventual loss.

The draft still exists, it just isn't currently active

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