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RSS Wishing

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Pretty much all arguments for the existence of God get slammed with so much ease it just makes it an easy decision for me not to believe. The ontological argument for example id just pathetic and a sort of play with linguistics. Gaunillo's response with his island put that to bed and showed why the argument is mostly inductive when it is thought to be mostly deductive. so many religions. who is right? so many religious experiences contradict each other. Who is right? However, it is nice that believers try to make arguments as things like debates can happen but i would emphasize that that's all they are good for. 'That all have been invented by our evolved homo sapien minds in an attempt to forestall our pending and certain deaths.' excellent summary.

0 points

People distmiss the specifics of this. There is always different circumstances of whether this could be morally correct or not just like in other situations like euthanasia. Examples of obscure circumstances are happenings of rape, should the mother have to birth the child she did not want? what if the pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy where the mother's life really is at risk. It is also impossible to counter act this. I believe the woman should have the right to do what she pleases with her body as she is in a current living state and my personal belief would say that she is not more important than the foetus in question but she takes priority in the sense that she is present in life and is living so should have the right to carry on doing so the way they want. In many countries woman can't just have them for the sake of it and have them at a constant rate which cuts down the number of abortions. It is legal in most western countries anyway.

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