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RSS Xpert_Leader

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I do somewhat agree with this but many students do know what its like to be discriminated against, whether that be by another student, adult, government, community, etc. They just may not recognize it as such. But I do think we have a better understanding of racism other than they get hit or work without pay, we just don't learn anything from it. We are told it happened, that it is still happening in some places, but not really what we should do to help. I do still think we should be taught more about how people were treated but I think we as a society should also focus on trying to figure out how to take what we learn, and learn how to do better from that

2 points

Yes there would only be simple discussion on the events that took place and how certain aspects of the way our country used to be racially are still apparent in todays society. It would get more detailed as we went through school. It would also be good if they started with the more popularsruf (Martin Luther King) at an earlier age and then as students got older the discussion would branch out into lesser known civil rights activists, slaves, and racial events

2 points

I agree. I'm sure there are two sides to Trump saying that schools are being too left I guess, but him wanting to lower the amount of education on slavery and the history of different racisms from how low they already are is terrible..

1 point

I think racial topics and events should be taught at an earlier age. Even as early as elementary, while kids are still learning basic things. If kids understand at an early age that bad stuff happened and that we should aim to prevent anything racist from happening again or continuing to happen, then maybe as they get older they will still keep that in mind, instead of already forming an opinion and becoming stuck to that opinion by the time they ever learn anything major about racism

1 point

No race is not talked about too much in school. Students receive only the most basic teaching on racial topics, leading to people going into the world horribly un-informed about our country's history. I would honestly say race needs to be talked about more in school but that's another arguement lmao

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