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Reward Points:1
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Efficiency Monitor

1 point

1.Many of the benefits of exporting to canadians are obvious. Exports allow canadians to sell their goods and services in exchange for foreign goods and services. They also provide support directly to those who produce goods and services and indirectly to those who provide support activities to Canadian export producers.

For example, exporting means increasing output more than is produced for the domestic market, which enables economies of scale and lowers the average cost to producers, which in turn lowers prices for consumers. Competing in export markets also means seeking efficiency and innovating in all aspects of the business. Instead of trying to make many products, companies focus and focus on products or services where they have an advantage. This increases their productivity, enables companies to pay higher wages, and helps increase the country's prosperity. Firms facing challenges in export markets have increased production and become bigger. Their development has become more secure and stable. For the government, larger, more efficient companies are more profitable and therefore pay more tax, thus increasing revenue for the public Treasury.

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