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RSS Zhanna

Reward Points:32
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

So i see that u have never seen any designers clothes and original one. All your clothes are from China, therefore u can`t think widely!!

2 points

I take the view that women should make her own career. She brought up by her parents, they give everything for her, education, clothes, money, behaviour and other important things. And for what? For getting marry, give birth to children and cook for husband? nothing more? As women she has to have home, family and own career. She doesn`t have earn money for whole family, but for herself, for needs. She would feel good, because she held as individual person.And husband has to do own bussiness.

1 point

I believe that students have to do homework, it`s really necessary. They are not so busy at school, school program not so hard and therefore little bit of hometask will just help to remember and improve their skiils.

1 point

It depens who older and who younger, for example men should be older than women. It would be difficult to find " a common language" when the same age. Personally i don`t understand how can u dating with boy who younger than u?

1 point

Actually for me better to buy quality and expensive things, rather than cheaper and it will breaks after the first wash. Everybody knows that China can make so good things and it will look like as real, and u couldn`t find any differences.

1 point

I have never lived in the dormitory, but i heard that it is really nice place, i mean u get a lot of new friends, fun, u can do easily hometasks all together, gossip))) So i want to feel the same feelings, as students who are living in the dormitory. enjoy your time there)

2 points

Definetely not! I don`t like to eat when i watch movie, surely i can buy coke or soft drinks. But not snacks) It`s disturb me))

1 point

There are a lot of pros and cons of it, even i can`t finally decide is it important or not. Firstly, it`s really nice when person look after themselves, well-dressed, neat, clean, he lives in step with fashion world. He wants to know more and more, he wants to live. Secondly, not everyone can afford to dress fashionably, he would envy, feel slighted. So now, for young generation would difficult to live without fashion. I think it more important, rather than less...

2 points

Why not? We need phones not just for talking or chatting with friends, we need to call to our relatives in the fullness of time. Can u imagine if something happened and u don`t have opportunity to call. Also it depends on age, children of primary school should notify their parents time of picking up.

0 points

People should firstly think, instead of doing it and then regret!!!

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