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RSS Zookulele

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

There's no need for a president if his job is only to be an in-between for the members and the admins when the members can already contact the admins if they have a problem or suggestion. Any other rolls this president wishes to fill are filled already by the admins.

1 point

There are also many acts of cannibalism that is considered natural within the "animal kingdom." We, however, have reached this point in our evolution for a reason, and we don't eat our young like those animals because we're not built like them any longer. We have surpassed the rest of the species in evolution, so bringing up that it's natural because it's exhibited by creatures that are on a completely different level than us is a null rebuke.

However, if you can supply some reasoning as to how homosexuality is a productive addition to mankind's societies, then please do.


Secondly, I would like to point out that this argument is not about love in the sense that you're addressing. There exists a world-peace kind of love where everyone loves each other just because we're people, and there's the love that comes from an intimate bond with someone. What you are calling love is a sexual attraction, as the word "homosexual" describes in the first place.

The way you worded your second point implies that, by suppressing homosexual urges, we are suppressing the relationship between these two people. This is incorrect, unless their relationship only involves sex (and that is a very loose bond on its own). Say, for instance, that I am male and have an intimate bond between one of my friends, also male. While this is considered love, it's not homosexual love as it does not involve a sexual attraction. A man can have an intimate bond with a man, and in fact this is a strong and healthy friendship, but it isn't homosexual unless there is a sexual bond between the two.

I've digressed somewhat, however, haha. But I still suggest you read up on the triangular theory of love. It's an interesting topic, anyway.

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