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RSS Zoro

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

The Constitution will be not taking away your freedoms. It's a document in which it's structure of government will provide a liberated and prosperous. Its checks and balances will prevent from anyone becoming over powerful.

1 point

The Articles of Confederation is too weak to keep our new found freedom afloat. With how things are going, we'll all end up broke from lack of taxes or killed by Native Americans from lack of military. The Articles of Confederation is too broken to fix, and the only solution is to ratify the Constitution. The Constitution will provide a strong central government to handle big issues for its citizens and while the states can continue to keep their local governments and policies. The structure of the Constitution allows power to be divided into three branches that will keep each other in check, preventing tyranny. And the delegates will be voted on by the people to provide a way for them to get their interests out there. The standing army will be able to properly protect its citizens from foreign invaders, and provide safety and security. The Constitution will allow for their to still be factions, only, their effects are controlled. Through this, we prevent majorities from running over minorities with their own selfishness. We must ratify the Constitution now!

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