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RSS Alexism

Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Gabriele de Mussis -> The Mongols didn't only do this in Kaffa at a lot of the ports in the Crimean peninsula they did this. Another thing is because of the Mongols coming and with their ruthless reputation, many people tried to flee but because of the black death and them throwing the infected bodies. Many people that left had the plague, therefore spreading it to where they went, making it very widespread.

1 point

Gabriele de Mussis -> During the siege of Kaffa, if a Mongol soldier died of infection of the black death (the plague), they would catapult this infected body over to the opposing sides' land. Because of this, during the cleanup of these bodies, many people got the black death from these infected bodies. The bodies were usually all mangled and in some cases, limbs might even have to be cut off to get the body out.

2 points

Even though they promoted by merit, at times it was all about loyalty. Genghis Khan was so ruthless towards others and their loyalty, he killed his own step-brother.

1 point

Gabriele de Mussis -> I am an eyewitness of the siege of Kaffa by the Mongols in Europe. They were very ruthless, the first seige took the lives of 15,000 deaths.

1 point

They would kill children, women, and even unborn child (rip from mothers womb) for the sake of conquest and taking this land.

1 point

While the Mongols captured cities, they would rip an unborn baby from its mother's womb.

2 points

The Mongols helped the SIlk Road flourish. They improved roads and punished bandits, making it a very safe place to trade.

1 point

In 1258, while capturing Baghdad the Mongols killed 200,000 people.

2 points

During the conquest, they would save doctors, scholars, artisans, and other skillful people that would help them in their empire.

2 points

Anyone who resisted Genghis Khan was brutally murdered in retribution.

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