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RSS Ash_noth3re

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
6 points

if hell exist he is going straight there like the fuck is he even doing? how does one end up like this? i get being conservative but this shit is next level

4 points

aw are you scared that your little gender binary is gonna disrupt the universal way of how the world works??? that makes so much sense i totally agree with you!!!

jokes aside really your idea of gender is so pathetic all it needs is one person literally just one person and the whole thing collapses. if aliens do exist do you think they would care about whats in their pants or whatever? do you think anybody actually gives one fuck about your opinion? most of us here are arguing here for the sake of pissing people like you off. you dont have to be an all knowing being to know that people can in fact express who they are by using they/them, she/her, he/him, star/starself pronouns and not be a fucking asshole too the world. like we have one... one fucking life and somehow you exist? we have one life and if that's how people want to live so be it. they aren't fucking around pointing guns at peoples heads saying "YOU NEED TO CALL ME HE/HIM PRONOUNS OR I WILL SHOOT" or some shit. they are just telling you to stop fucking talking or even interacting with them in the first place if you dont like them. seriously what do you think gay people are doing in their free time? so like is it fair in your logic that gay people get literally tortured or some shit because of doing something that doesn't harm ANYBODY. i mean fuck it I'm gonna admit i feel like therians are fucking weird but i dont go outside hunting for them and threatening to shoot them because they "failed this city" i treat them like a normal fucking person. why? BECAUSE I THINK ITS FUCKING WEIRD BUT THEY ARENT HARASSING ME SO I RESPECT WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING IN THEIR LIFE. like bro how hard is the concept of if it doesn't harm anyone its fine a hard thing too process.

like fucking seriously i could disagree on someones beliefs on some shit and i dont go talking shit about them and sending full blown death threats and calling them a pedo/truthphobe/christphobe/rapist/any slur because in the end of the day our demise is the same just unconsciousness nothingness... so really we shouldn't give a shit about what a persons pronouns are when there is litterally problems like idk racism, sexism, global warming, world hunger etc.

like for fucks sakes how the fuck is changing pronouns so offensive too some people its 2022 grow the fuck up already.

4 points

that is a good question. i think we got dr batmans acc banned and he made a new acc called mr batman if I'm correct i was gone for 2 days for a family event so yeah i dont really have any ideas as of now unfortunately

edit: he was not infact banned i was wrong

2 points

biscuits can be used as snacks while cake is usually used for special events and cake servings are usually too big for one person sure some restaurants do serve small cakes but i would still perfer eating biscuits. personally uk biscuits are the best.

1 point

gurl why the fuck do you know that- HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE THE FUCK?

4 points

like deadass how is it suddenly the word of god too threaten minors that they will be shot/will "die" on a hill and apparently me a fucking 15 year old is a pedophile and my friend (kale) is a "rapist" for saying gay and trans rights should be normal because they are people and people dont deserve too be tortured. like didn't the bible say some shit about loving your enemies? treating people with love and respect? like did my friend really need to copy paste a whole ass bible verse which they have not replied too yet.

like that bitch is a dumbass

-1 points

he has several alt accounts known as the justice leauge its very fucking obvious on how similar the writing styles are honestly. if you are going to make some alt accounts they should know better and actually change shit up.. and seriously he keeps calling a friend of mine a pedo/rapist/ some other bullshit when they disagree and debate on a website about debating.

you are quite right like what the fuck? how is everyone you argue with a fucking hypocrite suddenly??? he just uses religion and "science" as an excuse to put literal death threats too MINORS. im fucking sure he threatened too shoot/execute me and my friends that are on this website. (ages 14-16) LIKE HOW IS HE NOT IN MEDICATION??? i thank fate im not in the same country as him honestly. :/

1 point

usually i just make some eggs as a snack if its the only thing in there. but sometimes i like slicing some fruits (usually apples or strawberry but almost any fruit would do) and making a chocolate dip by melting Hershey's chocolate putting it in a bowl then putting the fruits in a stick then dipping it. i like eating this while i study added with royal usually.

another one i like doing is getting rice, mayonnaise, canned tuna, and seaweed and combining the rice, mayo, and tuna then wrapping it in the seaweed.

-8 points
1 point

oop- now you owe her a happy meal. lmfao bozo + skill issue

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: should all dr. batman / justice league enemies become allies?
Winning Position: Unresolved

About Me

"nonbinary,15 years old, atheist. hi there :D"

Biographical Information
Gender: Transgender
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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