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RSS Astralprojec

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
3 points

Same sex couples can adopt and help kids in foster-care.


1 point

Yes once cold fusion devices hit the market in a few months. Then we can afford it and we can do that thanks to Andrea Rossi and his E-cat.


2 points

Right now we are in an age were male, yang energy is most dominant but a time will come when female, yin energy will be most dominant. That age will first begin when cold fusion devices are on the market. And that is coming in, HUM gee, the next few months thanks to Andrea Rossi. Yeah.


2 points

Right now we are in an age were male, yang energy is most dominant but a time will come when female, yin energy will be most dominant. That age will first begin when cold fusion devices are on the market. And that is coming in, HUM gee, the next few months thanks to Andrea Rossi. Yeah.


3 points

I don't want to have anything to do with Abrahamic religions. But Buddhism is great with meditation. Even Hinduism is better than Christianity.

The thing is meditation is not a religion. It is a practice of seeing the nature of the mind and observing and even documenting it. In fact Buddhism and science have a lot in common. Just Google it and see. Alan Wallace has especially been an out spoken proponent of the incorporation of Buddhism and science.

Meditation increases your IQ. Abrahamic religions lower it.


1 point

When I was young I was playing basketball in the ally with some friends. Then we see this kid running down the ally and then a cop car coming up behind him. COP stops him has him behind the car. We can't see what is going on but we hear the cop asking were is the gun, with the guy screaming. The guy said he didn't know and the other guys had it. The cop saying I know you had it. The guy kept screaming and yelling.

When I was young I got caught at a retail store for stealing and when I was out in the parking lot the police officer said he was going to check my pockets and see if I had any syringes/needles in my pockets he would beat me up and there would be blood on the ground. Of course I didn't so. He also said he has done this before and found syringes and he doesn't want to get poked with HIV I guess.


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