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RSS Awittyname

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

doesn't a lower cost confer a quality of its own? what you mentioned is the result of capitalism a disposable society. lets take for an example disposable diapers, before those most people used cloth which require significant unpleasantness to clean. But because of the price of disposable diapers the product gains the additional quality in that it doesn't have to be cleaned it can just be replaced.

1 point

people might argue homosexuals are unnatural, and in the same breath marvel at the breasts of a women with implants. want to name other unnatural things? cars, planes, boats, shoes, toothbrushes,shaving, and the list goes on. The ONLY real argument against support of homosexuality (in men) is the increase in chance of infectious diseases, to this i say "then don't have sex with a gay man"

1 point

please elaborate on these obvious reasons. What gives you the right to tell other people how to live their life's.

1 point

clearly OP is biased and believes in all mighty Atheismo who dosent believe in his own existence (firm belief atheism is a religion)

1 point

The fundamentals behind separation of church and state are sound and it exists in America for a very clear reason. for example, when Kennedy ran he had to reassure the American public he wouldn't take orders from the pope. church and state SHOULD be separated, however it is unreasonable to expect that man and church be separate and as long as a government is meant to be an extension of the public then it cant separate from church or lack there of. (atheism is also a religion)

1 point

The fundamentals behind separation of church and state are sound and it exists in America for a very clear reason. for example, when Kennedy ran he had to reassure the American public he wouldn't take orders from the pope. church and state SHOULD be separated, however it is unreasonable to expect that man and church be separate and as long as a government is meant to be an extension of the public then it cant separate from church or lack there of. (atheism is also a religion)

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