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RSS Awjuba123

Reward Points:8
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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8 most recent arguments.
3 points

of course he is real who do think lets you have good days and bad days. He lets you live and gives you money.

1 point

if you need to believe in someone who will trust you and always be by you side at all times you should choose should choose to believe in what you believe in not what everybody else believes in.i believe in god and nobody can change what i believe in.and they shouldnt be able to change what you believe in.

2 points

if you shoot people they can die or get hurt very badly.why should people do that and this is why guns should be banned from america

1 point

if you were a mother wouldn't you want your baby to grow up and have a normal and fun got to so why can't they.they can have a life and if you kill them there is no point to life so don't kill babies for a lot of reasons

1 point

god gave them to us so they can grow up and have a life like their mother and father and so they can live the way they wanted to live like you

1 point

doughnuts have more flavors than doughnut holes.and they are so much bigger than doughnut holes and sweeter.

2 points

who would want to work all day with no break all is so unfair that only elementary people get recess and not highschoolers.

1 point

pizza is so much messier than hot dogs and it takes so long to make pizza and you can just whip up a hot dog

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About Me

"i am awesome and that is all you need to know"

Biographical Information
Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other

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