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RSS Bangobee2

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Not until the governments allow scientists to tell the truth, it has not. Until it is publically admitted that the missing link is not of Earth origin, we will continue to complexify a very simple equation for the sake of money and power. If the Earth were to accept and realize a purposeful past of genetic mutation, and man were to realize our origins and full potential there indeed will be a shift in the elements of capitalism...perhaps it's existence completely...NO...TELL THE DAMN TRUTH

1 point

I used to believe that hermaphrodites WERE evidence of humans developing independent reproductive systems...until I came across some information about our DNA and the interminglings thereof. It's far fetched, but those in the know KNOW what I say is true and it's origins. If it is true that extra earthy beings have been playing with our genetics then it is not far fetched that a hermaphrodite human is the result of genetic play with the known reptilian species that have been playing with us for centuries...just think "Chupacabra" death mail please....:-p

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