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RSS Bebop4862

Reward Points:9
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

i believe so. the very fact that abortion has been put it shows that there is a need for it. the various circumstances of the individuals requiring abortion differs greatly; a young couple having made a mistake, a couple with financial problems and cannot cope with another child, rape victims, the list goes on. while there are circumstances when one does not deserve to have an abortion, but the child that is born will suffer the consequences of its parents mistakes. Banning abortion is like imposing the death sentence on youths using drugs.

2 points

It Is! the uncacnny similarities between the two; long neck, amphibian flippers, humped back... and i believe many photos of the loch ness monsters are blurry and unclear, leaving room for whether the loch ness monster is actually lapras. the smilarities are too many to be debated.

1 point

yep yep:) male female original copied love hate. relativity is based on originality:)

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: I Pray To Pikachu!
Winning Position: Yes It Is!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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