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RSS Befair

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1 point

They are two different parties with ideaologies that lead the American people to the same outcome. They use different methods and answer to different lobbyist to some degree in order to determine which political channel to follow; yet when followed the general outcome for the American public is the same.

Politics is complicated if we are uninvolved and do not research the issues. First, we have a problem with politics on the local level. Townships select leaders who use their position to make money under the table or to receive other benefits while in office. Far too often the Mayors of small townships break tie votes to serve some personal agenda of a friend. Whether or not the town needs more modern squad cars is decided not by actual need, but by "if I get more cars for you will you be sure to assist me to be re-elected. The honest Mayor will consider himself a servant and will work to serve the citizens of that township and prioritize his spending according to the legitimate needs of that town. When a small town spends more money than is taken in it is likely that selt interest is being served in contradistinction to the town's needs.

When small townships end up in debt they extend a hand to the federal government for help. Today, not only are small townships in debt to the Feds, but large Cities are as well. This irresponsible spending ultimately results in towns and Cities relinquishing control to the Federal Government. Bail me out and I will owe you for life. Now, we see cities across the nation looking for assistance simply because they have wasted their own resources.

Why are we loosing our power and productivity as a Nation? We are loosing it because we reward irresponsibility. If my child gets pregnant out of wedlock I want you and your family to pay for it by adding to your taxes. By all means allow me to share the burden of my mistake. And if I as mayor of a town use the city 's money to my own personal profit by all means raise taxes on the every day citizen. If a man refuses to work because he can't find a job that meets the wages of his previous job by all means extend his benefits. I remember seeing the same old faces at the welfare line from the days of my youth--thirty years later they have made no effort to imporve their life or their life-style. And there I was couldn't use my right arm to write my name. Soon afterward I was going to work early in the morning, getting off and going to my next job-- oh and then afterward one more job. That's right, and those jobs I was working could have been held by the majority of those on the welfare line. May were getting their gov checks, having children by 5 husbands, living with one of the five, and the other four could not be found except on the welfare line come time for benefits. It's easy, we simply add taxes to that family that is holding 3 to 4 jobs.

Our present system is unsustainable--period---period. It is a system that rewards irresponsibility. It is a self-destructive system.

Having said that I must say that I do believe in a welfare system that will help those who are victims of unforeseen disaster. But those who will not work, who will not take a lesser job than the 150,000 they were getting paid--let them live without. I have worked for as little as $75.00 a week and only 2 days off a month. My wife worked with me and made the same wage. My children were fed and clothed, and we received as little help as possible--very little. We worked hard and through time things changed. Interesting how this president bails out the wealthy; yet talks as though he is concerned about the poor.

The Republicans continue to defend Bush who seemed to be in love with many of the Middle Eastern Oil Lords. No man should be President who has this conflict of interest in this type of business. His foreign policies continue under Obama. Interesting how Obama used Iraq to campaign with promises of bringiong our soldiers home and ending the war. Oh, he kept his word only to continue the same type of strategy in Afghanistan. Hey guys Bush is still in office with a different smile, a different skin; but the same strategy and agenda that continues to rape this country of it's resources fighting a war that cannot be won. He endeavors to uphold the American Tradition of camping out on the enemies lawn endeavoring to train him in the American Way. Folks, they don't want the American way. Why do we continue to spend money and lose lives on a war that cannot be won? Our new administration is death to all Americans. This is the Bushoma Presidency carring out the same policies. But he is trusted by the majority of people who share his color simply because of this color. In spite of the fact that this President has spent more than the last eight presidents combined people still blindly trust him.

Go to Fox News and they will defend President George Bush even when it is proven that it was his policies that initially led us into this mess. Are white people any smarter. I can't see that they are. We need to come together with a party called Zebra. Over and out.

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