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RSS Benedict331

Reward Points:9
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

That is one side of the coin.Social media has its benefits...But in the long run..emotions would be drained out of human beings.In the future,Human beings might just be online all day,thinking that they are making "friends",when they are actually not.There is a huge level of delusion in social media.

1 point

Which one of you have actually made friends with people from other countries?Tell me!Showing a level of hypocrisy in this debate is meaningless..All people do is rant and rant of twitter and rant...and rant.

2 points

The usage of social media has also resulted in the human heart to turn cold.Displaying of emotions and affections are always done online and this results in the wrapping of reality and Humans tend to give cold and empty words with very little emotions.

0 points

So what you are saying is about understanding of culture?How well do you know the people of Nigeria?Russia?America? ..Most of the friends on your social media platforms would be either mutual friends or the friends you personally know..

4 points


2 points

So how many real life friends do you have?How many friends do you understand in your daily life?

4 points

So how many real life friends do you have?How many friends do you understand in your daily life?

1 point

Yes.But the Question is about being social.Social media would allow effective workflow and work communication but does that mean social communication and understanding is present?

2 points

Social media has made us less social as we tend to drift in the waves of the movement of social media that social relationships are not fully developed.A question that we should ask ourselves is that..."how much do you understand about your friends on social media platforms?"

3 points

Advantage???Giving him priority is more like it.Raffles felt that Farquar has the potential,therefore,Raffles put Farquar in charge of Singapore to give him the power and unleash his potential to be a LEADER!

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