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RSS Bigred78797

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

Many countries have year round schools, have lower dropout rates, and higher test scores. Why is an extended break needed? We have so many holidays and break periods already. It is a very inefficient method as the first few weeks or month of class is reviewing the spring term/semester.

1 point

There are obviously cases where "kids" should be tried as an adult. At some point "kids" know when they are doing things that are wrong. For instance if a 17 year old killed three people in a robbery. Without being tried as an adult they would get around a year in juvenile followed by probation.. is that really justice? Adult criminals know this and actually have "kids" do the crimes for that very reason. And kids do it because they know they will only get a few years in juvi. I do however believe that this should only be reserved for particularly violent offenses.

1 point

I do have confidence in our Government/Emergency Services. Like stated in the Yes side you can only be so prepared.. It would just cost too much to prepare for let us say a meteor hitting new york, Or a 100000 year earthquake along the Appalachia.

I DO NOT however have confidence in the United States as a people in our disaster preparedness. People in the U.S. are in panic over the the Nuclear reactors in Japan. If the nation's people are in panic and disarray it affects how well the emergency services can do their jobs.

So basically we have the means to deal with a disaster.. but we panic and get stirred up into a media riot so quickly that it disables our ability to cope with major disasters.

3 points

First off, the fight would have to be in a river, sea, lake, body of water because that is the ONLY place the two of them would meet. Probably taking this too serious but a shark has many more tools than a tiger. First off, it can detect the electrical signals from the heart beats and muscle movements from about a mile away.. so it knows where you are before you can see it. Sharks have excellent eye sight. They can taste chemicals in the water from over 2 miles away. The jaws are much larger and the skin of the shark is much thicker and more durable than a tigers skin.

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Agnostic
Education: Some College

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