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RSS Bjcefola

Reward Points:38
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

In an age of blogs, video conferencing, unlimited cell phone plans and so forth what exactly is the point of banning someone?

1 point

I'd much rather watch product placement then watch a 'clean' movie with a bunch of commercials at the beginning. Goes double for TV.

1 point

I'd pay to minimize the hassle going through security. It's bad enough with a laptop.

1 point

Go to a school based on where you want to work. Local schools tend to have local alumni, and outside of the top tier that matters more then 'rank'.

1 point

One of the differences between collective judgment and that of an individual is that the collective decision need not reflect a single cohesive metric. Angels will make decisions based on what is important to angels and devils will make decisions based on what is important to devils.

Dictating a metric is equivalent to dictating an outcome.

1 point

The method of "aggregation" matters. You are implying an aggregation based on consensus- everyone goes into a room and talks it through until they reach something everyone can agree to. That is not the only possibility however.

Voting, particularly anonymous voting distances the decision from the sway of group dynamics and permits individuality while still creating a group decision. Stock markets work the same way.

1 point

What would the internet be if there had not been an internet bubble?

1 point

"For one thing, this gas tax holiday doesn't seem all that popular. Hillary endorsed it an ended up with a worse run in Indiana than expected."

That's an argument that McCain and Clinton miscalculated the public's response to the holiday plan. As I indicated previously, that's not a hard argument to make and polling data can prove or disprove it. I don't know of any such polls but would like to see them. Anyone?

Clinton's recent decline in relative popularity is not evidence by itself. It could be due to any number of factors, and I'd point out that there has been no appreciable decline McCain's popularity despite his support for a similar policy.

With respect to whether majorities tend to be correct or not, I feel that question is significant and different enough from the gas tax as to warrant it's own debate.

Supporting Evidence: Collective judgement debate (
-2 points
1 point

I'd like the ability to add a "Troll" icon or a "Devil's Advocate" icon, something visual you could tag on your own argument to indicate whether you believed what you were saying. Maybe even emoticons?

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Winning Position: No, he should be allowed in
Winning Position: What features should be added to CreateDebate?
Should Eisenhower have nuked China? » visit link (
Winning Position: Unresolved

About Me

"Back in town."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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