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RSS Brooks2

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I say yes texting does have an effect on one's ability to communicate in other arenas. One reason is because when are talking to someone verbally things like lol or omg would be pretty stupid to use out loud. Another example would be like writing a paper for a class. It wouldnt be the same for me because i use the number 2 for the word to and the number 4 for the word for and other things like that when i text. So if im writing a paper it would effect me because i cant do that on a paper that i have to write for a teacher. So that is why i say yes it would effect me and other people when trying to communicate in other arenas.

2 points

I don't think the government should be able to monitor a suspicious individual. People need their privacy and nobody is sure if that person is goin to do anything or not, so it's not ok for the government to watch somebody if they don't know what's goin on. If that person hasn't commited a crime before then there is no reason for them to be watched.

0 points

No, I would not turn my wife in because that's like turing your back on the one you love. Even if she does kill someone then it was probably self defense but if not then im sure it was a reason to why she killed the person. Not saying that killing someone isn't wrong but it happens everyday. It could have been a mistake and she would get many years for it so no i wouldn't turn her in. I think that if she did kill someone then it was their time ti go because god wrote everyones story along time ago so however you die is how it was suppose to be and it happened that way for a reason so i couldn't be the one to turn her in.

1 point

I fell like advancing the common goods is better than personal pursuit because most people will look out for themselves rather than look out for others. Looking out for yourself before lookin out for others won't do alot of good in the long run. I believe in the what goes around comes around thing so when you do something for other people before you try to please yourself, not only does it help them but something good will also come back to you helping you better yourself.

1 point

I fell like advancing the common goods is better than personal pursuit because most people will look out for themselves rather than look out for others. Looking out for yourself before lookin out for others won't do alot of good in the long run. I believe in the what goes around comes around thing so when you do something for other people before you try to please yourself, not only does it help them but something good will also come back to you helping you better yourself.

1 point

I do believe Shakespeare's work should continue because it is different from what people are used to. It teaches more than just basic english and that's what most high school students need because they all want the easy way out, but Shakespeare goes to a higher level of thinking which makes it difficult to understand. It is still a good peice pf writing material to teach thee class though so it should be continued.

1 point

I Disagree because you can be free how ever you choose to be free. What is done to you doesn't effect your freedom in any kind of way. If you use your freedom how you want to then whatever is done to you doesn't have anything to do with it.

1 point

I feel like obama should be our next president. Not only because he is black but because he is trying to help people get a better education. Obama wants to give money to students and McCain doesn't want to. I just think people need a little Obama in their life.

2 points

It is better to be wealthy because you can do alot more with money than you can with respect. Respect is not really important to me because i feel like if you dont respect me then you're a hater because i haven't done anything for you not to respect me. So i feel like having money is more important than someone else's respect towards you because you dont really need people to live your life

1 point

I think superman is more heroic because he's my favorite character. i even wear a superman shirt under my uniform

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