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RSS Butterflyspy

Reward Points:1
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2 points

Christmas is the biggest farce there is.Parents work over time to buy gifts for their kids then give the credit to Santa.You know teaching your child about Christmas is abuse.Teaching them about greed and to lie.I know about the real greed it creates having worked in retail.People are not kind and charitable they are meaner and more hateful than ever.Add to that the fights that erupt over finances in the middle over the store.Usually one spouse is saying thats enough while the other is saying its Christmas.I do not not want my kids to have a crappy Christmas.Crappy Christmas is relative.Some of these moms are just nuts.Each kid has to get 5 toys ,it has to cost 200 dollars and thats that. I was lucky my Dad never lied to me or forced me to celebrate Christmas.He showed me what it really was.Commercialism in Jesus name.What a crying shame?I am sad for Jesus.So many people who do not even believe in him celebrate it.I say donate to coats for kids not toys for tots because it is a shame what these welfare moms are doing.I know one who signed up her kids for everything.Angel tree,adopt a family,shop with a cop and toys for tots.She has a shameful extravagant Christmas every year and thinks she is sly.Toys are not necessary.Food and clothes can be happy with art supplies and dollar store toys they do not need so much of the crap they get.I think the worst crime is that parents who do not celebrate it are made to feel bad.As though they were bad parents.We always had toys,and things we needed.Parents should not feel bad in fact if it made someone feel better they could say hey we will do something at tax time.We will go toy shopping and eat out.Christmas is not when Jesus was born .I challenge anyone even the Pope to show it me in the Bible.I am so tired of this holiday.I have never seen so much stress and sadness as I have this year because of it.I know that this is not what Jesus would want at all.He did not care about these types of things.He would say if you have extra feed and cover the poor.If you do not have extra pay your bills and meet your responsibilities.

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