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RSS Carnivore

Reward Points:1
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Efficiency Monitor

1 point

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...

"(1) failed to forcefully develop an atomic weapon..."

"(2) failed to develop long-range bombers capable of striking the united states..."

"(4) failed to fully implement the production of jet aircraft..."

If these are "failures", where does that put the Allied nations? The Allies had no Atomic weapons. The Allies had no bombers capable of reaching Germany from the US. The Allies had no jet aircraft. The allies only ever achieved these things after stealing German technology and scientists. Hell, the Germans even invented the helicopter! And only around 50 years before they were first really put to use in Vietnam.

You also mention Hitler's rank of Corporal in WWI. I don't think you realize the economic state that Germany found itself in after WWI. To put it in layman's terms, the man took what was basically a third-world-country and turned it into the most powerful economic and military force on the planet in the span of a few years. They were THE preeminent world superpower at the time.

Many of your other arguments such as failing to stop the Allies' supply convoys simply come down to numbers. U-Boats were extremely effective against Allied shipping early on, and were only defeated by the sheer volume of Allied resources. Remember, this was basically every established first-world state in the world against Germany. ...and Italy. And later on, Japan. The fact that a country such as Germany was able to secure the resources to fight a war of this scale for any period of time kind of invalidates your point of Hitler as a poor strategist. He certainly had his strategic failures, and I won't argue that he made some terrible decisions late in the war, but he was by no stretch of the imagination a poor strategist.

Failing to defend the Atlantic wall? I'd say a simply MASSIVE effort at diversion by the Allies, combined with the sheer amount of resources they fielded made that an inevitability.

However... I will give you the failure to subdue the British Isles before Operation Barbarossa. You may know the bullet points of the war, but your opinion may change if you ever take the time to learn the details.

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