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RSS Carolineb

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I support this because killing millions of people is barbaric and very uncivilized.

1 point

I think that having an organized government is something that makes a Kingdom civilized because having laws, punishments, and order can help to protect citizens within the Empire making it a much safer Kingdom for regular people.

carolineb(10) Clarified
1 point

Did Sorghaghtani have to remarry when her husband died or was she able to live as a widow?

1 point

Hoelan was the mother of Genghis Khan. She was the biggest parental figure Genghis had in his life since his father was killed when he was only 10. When Genghis' father died, Hoelan did get a decent amount of power for being the Chief Wife.

Since Hoelan was Genghis Khan's dominant parental figure she was able to impact the Mongol Empire in different ways. Specifically, she helped to give women a higher status in the Mongol Empire and many women acquired more power in government as well. For example, many of Genghis' trusted advisors were in fact women which meant that the Mongol Empire gave women a much higher status than most women in other civilizations throughout history.

1 point

(2.2 Lecture) They used physiological warfare to scare enemies into immediate surrender. For example, leaving piles of bodies of the people they killed. It is smart but very barbaric and uncivilized.

1 point

From Heimler’s History video it says Genghis says something like “Whoever submits shall be spared, but those who resist shall be destroyed with their wives, children, and dependants.”

1 point

Conquered 3 billion people and 30 countries, millions of which were killed because they resisted. (2.2 Lecture)

1 point

Kublai Khan in China improved the status of merchants putting them at a higher status since before merchants in China typically had a low status. (Mongols in World History article)

1 point

(2.2 Lecture) Helped to protect the Silk Road to increase trade and economic activity.

3 points

- Genghis Khan had a lot of religious tolerance and tolerance of other cultures. He allowed people to keep their religion if it did not get in the way of the political views of the Mongol Empire. (From Heimler's History video)

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